Fix this fucking CSS

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Thanks for posting that, but it's not really a validation problem. I checked thru there anyways and coulnt find anything. This is really a fucking ie problem not implementing css correctly (as usual)
I had this same problem with a zen cart site I was working on. You can find the answer in their forums, but you have to wade through a lot of bullshit. I'll try to remember how I fixed it.
Whenever someone brings up a css problem I mention that for my first site it took me a month to figure out why my first commercial site displayed differently in FF from IE; turns out it was a <p> tag
Yeah, I design all my sites so they work perfectly in FF then fix the IE bugs. Its fucking annoying, but has to be done.

I haven't actually visited shitepoint for ages, but I'll register and post in their css forum and see if any of their h4x0rs can come up with anything
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