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New member
Feb 11, 2015

What's up? I have been reading the forum for a few weeks now. I followed some spoon feeding requests into some very informative discussions, and some guys jerking each other off and cumming. :banana_sml::conehead::banana_sml:

I think its the first time I've ever been dick rolled. :disgust:

The Forum keeps telling me to post and I might be in for more info.

I have been reading around and have a couple noob questions. Or a noob ramble. Whatever you want to call it.

This is my first go at SEO. And of course, I needed to have two websites to do it. The business has two branding campaigns.

I am in a highly competitive niche, Plumbers with Money. There is competition on a local, area, state, and national SEO.

The business has a sub niche within the niche. Let's call this Plumbers doing mostly handyman work but also Plumbing. The sub niche does not get very many searches according to Google and Bing. Most people don’t even know the sub niche is a business. Further, the searches seem to be made by the wrong people. Someone affected by the problem, but not the one who would hire the plumber/handyman.

I have created two websites. One that is a good brand name for Plumbing State Wide and the other is an exact domain match for handyman work State Wide.
I have read about silos. My general understanding is that for local seo you make a landing page, five plumbing pages, and five location pages. Then you link all the other pages into the landing page and bam, you did something inside your site that was super helpful.

With domains and branding like STATE surprisingly untaken synonym for PLUMBER.COM and STATEHANDYMAN.COM will focusing on local SEO first hurt? I would think that most consumers would prefer a plumber in their area – the end game would be to have local landing pages for plumbing in every city. Should I just try to optimize for a few cities and forget about the brand name being STATE PLUMBER? I see people have already landed on my main page after searching for STATE similar niche area.

Also the business has an 800 vanity number and a local number. It has only been listed in one or two places so far but it needs to be one or the other. General it seems that local is better, but what in this situation. The 800 vanity is great except for the fact that its not a traditional 800 number.
How should the two websites interact? What type of linking back and forth would be helpful or harmful? What’s the deal with a little duplication of content between the sites?

If you made content for a silo that was very location based, but also super relevant to the Niche, in a way I'd rather not explain. Basically, you had an idea that you thought would work and no one else was doing it yet. If you were to execute that, would you want to have an RSS feed? So everyone knew it came from you first - or would you want to try to use it and make them come to your site and steal it someday.

I have identified the most expensive websites (PPC), the most black-hat websites, and the best organic website. I have also switched around my place inside of google and searched that way to see what came up. Anything a noob should do with this they might not know?

As a final side note, how much can you build up images with metadata info. In wordpress I have been able to create a page entirely around an image it seems like from the home page. I am tempted to move the image into the root folder – call it keyword-keyword-keyword and the make a whole page out of this like ghost page that develops. Not sure what I am talking about here. Is this keyword stuffing and bad?
Anyways this forum is great – I found it to be the most useful thing I have stumbled upon in regard to this and in general.

tl;dr I just took an in depth look at the websites competing state wide. No chance if I don't start out local.
How should the two websites interact?

You decide

What type of linking back and forth would be helpful or harmful?

You can link between them for user convenience

What’s the deal with a little duplication of content between the sites?

Avoid unless necessary

If you were to execute that, would you want to have an RSS feed? So everyone knew it came from you first - or would you want to try to use it and make them come to your site and steal it someday.

What are you even talking about

I have identified the most expensive websites (PPC), the most black-hat websites, and the best organic website. I have also switched around my place inside of google and searched that way to see what came up. Anything a noob should do with this they might not know?

What do you mean by "switched around my place inside of google"?

As a final side note, how much can you build up images with metadata info. In wordpress I have been able to create a page entirely around an image it seems like from the home page. I am tempted to move the image into the root folder – call it keyword-keyword-keyword and the make a whole page out of this like ghost page that develops. Not sure what I am talking about here. Is this keyword stuffing and bad?

No idea what you're talking about here either, but it's not going to work.