Firing 3rd party postback for postback possible?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I am working with a merchant directly and they only track using s2s postback pixel. I have it setup on P202. Now, I am going to buy some media on CPA basis which needs me to fire their pixels from P202. The issue is p202 can't fire 3rd party pixels if we are using postback to track the campaign.

I tried using a postback as third party pixel but it doesn't fire. Anyone know a workaround? Or this can be custom coded?

Thanks for reading.

Replace {Postback URL} with your postback pixel url and you should be able to fire it as an image. I hope this helps

<IMG src="{Postback URL}" height="1" width="1">
I believe image pixels only fire when we use a universal smart pixel? anyway, I will give it a shot like you said. Why not just use a image pixel if I have one or postback with image works better?
Replace {Postback URL} with your postback pixel url and you should be able to fire it as an image. I hope this helps

<IMG src="{Postback URL}" height="1" width="1">

This should do what you need and then just use prosper's USP.
It's hard to understand your question but why don't you just put all of the post back URLs on the thank you page?
Tried and didn't work. It seems am totally lost here

Did you place the post back URLs separately on the thank you page or as one single post back URL?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question but its not that complicated. I have 3 individual cpvlab post back URLs on my thank you page and it works perfectly.
I think i confused most of you. Here is the setup.

1) I have placed my postback url on merchants tracking system
2) It tracks conversions in my p202. This setup is working fine
3) Now I want to pass this data to the Ad network say sitescout. So I am placing their postback on propser202 under third party pixels but its not working.

i am stuck at the 3rd option. Rest is working fine.
Prosper does not have the ability to fire mujltiple post back URLs like this. You need to either give the advertiser your sitescout POSTBACK URL or create a a workaround.
$subid = $_GET['subid'];

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "$subid" );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     "body goes here" ); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     array('Content-Type: text/plain')); 

$result=curl_exec ($ch);

Create that as a php file on your server and give it to the advertiser as your postback url. Pass along the subid so it tracks of course.
$subid = $_GET['subid'];

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "$subid" );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     "body goes here" ); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     array('Content-Type: text/plain')); 

$result=curl_exec ($ch);

Create that as a php file on your server and give it to the advertiser as your postback url. Pass along the subid so it tracks of course.

Thanks man. This is to track the conversions from merchant side but will this fire 3rd party postback?

I actually don't want to play around with the merchant side. I need a fix for the 3rd party pixel whether its cpvlab or p202.
Thanks man. This is to track the conversions from merchant side but will this fire 3rd party postback?

I actually don't want to play around with the merchant side. I need a fix for the 3rd party pixel whether its cpvlab or p202.

Do what evandals just showed you.

Out of the box prosper cannot do a chain of postback URLs like this in multiple steps. It has to all happen at the same time.

Go here and scroll to the bottom and you'll understand.
Yes it can you fool. CPV lab gives you the option to post an iframe pixel where you can call unlimited 3rd party pixels.

This is an even better idea too.

CPVLab is a bargain for only $297 I'm still kicking myself for waiting so long to switch.
Do what evandals just showed you.

Out of the box prosper cannot do a chain of postback URLs like this in multiple steps. It has to all happen at the same time.

Go here and scroll to the bottom and you'll understand.

On that thread, nana actually says, It's possible for the postback url to fire other postback urls, but not pixels. However this hasn't be implemented.

Why the hell i can't get it to work :-(
This is an even better idea too.

CPVLab is a bargain for only $297 I'm still kicking myself for waiting so long to switch.

Yea, it's a great platform, I just switched.

If you are serious about split-testing landing pages, rotating offers, calling multiple 3rd party pixels, it is definitely worth it.

I see guys using prosper who are trying to get it modded/hacked. I'm like...why?
Yea, it's a great platform, I just switched.

If you are serious about split-testing landing pages, rotating offers, calling multiple 3rd party pixels, it is definitely worth it.

I see guys using prosper who are trying to get it modded/hacked. I'm like...why?

My post made it sound like I haven't switched but I did about 2 months ago and I couldn't agree more. Prosper becomes a headache once you are dealing with complex funnels instead of just a single LP.

Another plus is how easy it is to track exit pop auto responders and then post the revenues back to the original campaign.