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Every affiliate network says that they are one of the biggest. Personally, I've never heard of FireLead.
Every affiliate network says that they are one of the biggest. Personally, I've never heard of FireLead.

Most networks do claim to be the biggest. If you want to see who really pushes the most traffic then look at the traffic stats of their tracking links on Alexa. Since all the networks traffic goes through a tracking link you can see their volume and determine who is really big and who isnt

Hi guys - Thanks for the post, Mike from Firelead here. We are a new affiliate network and we'd like to welcome you all to our network. We are advertising on because we are like you and we feel at home here. :playboy_sml:

We aren't the biggest out there but we concentrate on getting you great offers that convert and we offer tips on our blog for the newbs out there. You should try us because we offer liberal source allowances - incentivized, 1 field submits, cpa, etc...great service, and great payouts. We list our top 3 converting offers for the month and their payouts on our top offers page on our site. So we invite you all to check us out and join up!

mudger: thanks for the compliment on our banner. Our graphic designer comes up with some cool stuff...and he came up with these t shirts that we're giving away to anyone with at least $100 commissions in their first month:


kinda looks like a band shirt - but I like that.
Just my 2 cents on advertitsing. Based on you're a new network in a VERY crowded space I suggest either finding a niche or being honest. Saying that' you're one of the biggest is only going to build distrust and have people laugh at you. Not sure if you know know much about the hertz and avis battles over the years but Hertz always has been and probably always will be the biggest car rental company in the US. And Avis was a far second, sometime in the late 80's to early 90's Avis came up with and honest campaign they use until this day which closed the gap greatly. Actually one of the largest gap closers amongst major corp's in the smallest amount of time. Are you wondering what that marketing campaign was? "Beacause we're number 2 we try harder" Honesty and truthfulness will get you a long way amongst and industy filled with shadiness and dirty traffic. As an affiliate network owner the most important thing that you can convey to affiliates is that you're trustworthy and in turn that they are going to get paid.

Do the best payouts mean something yes. Do the best converting offers mean something yes. But pretty much that's all hyperbalie and fluff. If you've been around this industry long you know that 70-80% of offers are the same across most networks. So why would you chose one network over another? That's a question you have to ask yourself and answer to find your place in a very very crowded space.

Trust and Communication are first. Variety of programs and payouts are second.

Just remember there's always another network and another program to promote.
Just my 2 cents on advertitsing. Based on you're a new network in a VERY crowded space I suggest either finding a niche or being honest. Saying that' you're one of the biggest is only going to build distrust and have people laugh at you. Not sure if you know know much about the hertz and avis battles over the years but Hertz always has been and probably always will be the biggest car rental company in the US. And Avis was a far second, sometime in the late 80's to early 90's Avis came up with and honest campaign they use until this day which closed the gap greatly. Actually one of the largest gap closers amongst major corp's in the smallest amount of time. Are you wondering what that marketing campaign was? "Beacause we're number 2 we try harder" Honesty and truthfulness will get you a long way amongst and industy filled with shadiness and dirty traffic. As an affiliate network owner the most important thing that you can convey to affiliates is that you're trustworthy and in turn that they are going to get paid.

Do the best payouts mean something yes. Do the best converting offers mean something yes. But pretty much that's all hyperbalie and fluff. If you've been around this industry long you know that 70-80% of offers are the same across most networks. So why would you chose one network over another? That's a question you have to ask yourself and answer to find your place in a very very crowded space.

Trust and Communication are first. Variety of programs and payouts are second.

Just remember there's always another network and another program to promote.

Couldn't have said it better Smaxor. Great point. FireLead, take notice.
great point smaxor

smaxor I agree completely. We are running an honest campaign built on great customer service and trust. I will personally tell you that we are certainly not the biggest, but I am willing to work hard to make sure that we become a player in the field. As the banner says - we promise not to burn you. :)

Every network does like to talk the talk...confidence is attractive, but it goes over the line when there are great misrepresentations. I haven't tried to misrepresent Firelead. Though I should note: Alexa rankings can be easily manipulated and should not be used as a basis for how big a network is. Personally I don't care if my Alexa ranking is 10,000 or 0 - it means nothing to me because it can easily be gamed. It's pretty easy to tell who the major players are out there, I used to think that there were only 3 - but now there are many more out there - and as I talk to business owners looking for more leads I find that there is room for 1 more. As the network grows and we get more exclusives - we'll have something they don't. And that gives me hope, and makes me try harder.

Today I spoke to an affiliate who was unhappy with one of the major networks because they were not personal with him at all. I told him I would do everything in my power to try harder for him and be there for him. I gave him my cell and said call me if you need anything at all and I will be there for him. That's what I'm about, and thats how I do business. I want that to mean something.
Just my 2 cents on advertitsing. Based on you're a new network in a VERY crowded space I suggest either finding a niche or being honest. Saying that' you're one of the biggest is only going to build distrust and have people laugh at you. Not sure if you know know much about the hertz and avis battles over the years but Hertz always has been and probably always will be the biggest car rental company in the US. And Avis was a far second, sometime in the late 80's to early 90's Avis came up with and honest campaign they use until this day which closed the gap greatly. Actually one of the largest gap closers amongst major corp's in the smallest amount of time. Are you wondering what that marketing campaign was? "Beacause we're number 2 we try harder" Honesty and truthfulness will get you a long way amongst and industy filled with shadiness and dirty traffic. As an affiliate network owner the most important thing that you can convey to affiliates is that you're trustworthy and in turn that they are going to get paid.

Do the best payouts mean something yes. Do the best converting offers mean something yes. But pretty much that's all hyperbalie and fluff. If you've been around this industry long you know that 70-80% of offers are the same across most networks. So why would you chose one network over another? That's a question you have to ask yourself and answer to find your place in a very very crowded space.

Trust and Communication are first. Variety of programs and payouts are second.

Just remember there's always another network and another program to promote.

You are right here. There are alot of networks online that has alot of the same offers, but there is still room for new networks if you have the money and you know how to compete well. If you are successful then it will only mean some off the others earnings will decrease. That's what it's all about. Just because somebody else are doing something doesn't mean that you can't do that. If you know you can compete then go for it.

I must admit that cpa networks are becoming much more popular and they are being set up at a faster rate.
I am not a profitable affiliate by any means, I think up til this point I am running a negative $500 margin between money earn and money spent.

I signed up with Firelead.Com because, everything else wasnt working for me. Mike(WF user Firelead) contacted me to let me know my account was active. Since then he has been helping me try to get a successful campaign going, even going as far as checking out competitors, finding niche keywords, etc. He has been helping me develop and get ideas for sites that he doesnt even cover. He has been teaching, more then doing it for me which I appreciate even more.

I am really not trying to make this sound like a cheap testimonial but I do owe Mike alot considering in the 2 weeks ive been an affiliate of Firelead he has done more to help me then the bigger networks have ever done for me....
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