Firefox Noscript

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New member
May 18, 2008
So one of my aff links seems to have some error or funny business. 'firefox Noscript' is giving me the "NoScript filtered a potential cross site scripting (XSS) attempt from ("aff link"). This is a cj link so I doubt they are going to be much help in actually resolving the issue.

I guess the question would be: Does this matter? Will this scare away many buyers? Will I still get credit-commisions for sales if firefox NoScript happens to be installed on a visitors pc?


So one of my aff links seems to have some error or funny business. 'firefox Noscript' is giving me the "NoScript filtered a potential cross site scripting (XSS) attempt from ("aff link"). This is a cj link so I doubt they are going to be much help in actually resolving the issue.

I guess the question would be: Does this matter? Will this scare away many buyers? Will I still get credit-commisions for sales if firefox NoScript happens to be installed on a visitors pc?


Depends on what network you're promoting your offers, but if it's on something like MSN AdCenter, chances are they won't have noscript. Technically savvy people don't usually click on ads either. It becomes second nature to filter them out like noise. Shouldn't be a problem, just try it!
I would say yes, the noscript plugin would scare away buyers. If it throws a warning, the users isn't going to spend much time troubleshooting for you to determine if it's safe. But like zimok said, if the user has noscript they are probably more advanced and less likely to be one of your customers.

Do some testing with different browsers to see what results you get. Are your tracking stats correct for other browsers, or firefox without the noscript plugin? On your landing page, look at the percentage of firefox users vs other browsers like explorer, safari, opera. Maybe you could redirect firefox users only to a separate offer. Those are just a few ideas. Good luck.
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