Finished My First Website, Please I Need Your Honest Review.

If that really is your first website then great job. However, it's more likely that that isn't your first website because it looks too good considering, therefore OP, this is not going to go well for you...
Waaaaaaay too broadly focused, that being said it's a hell of a lot better than many of the cpa offer sites I've seen. And yeah, not your first site (unless you meant first legit site).
Love the windows vista slide show - like how you show case such a great piece of software on your fornt page above the fold, keep grinding!!!!!
You might need to SE2 it a bit, even SE3 maybe something to consider.

Don't go with any of those shady SEO whores you find here though, speak to your hosting company and they'll probably have a search engine visability pack for $69.99, grab that, you'll be fly nigga.
[ame=]The Ultimate Warrior's "Crash The Plane" Promo - YouTube[/ame]