Finding best offers to promote BEFORE building site/signing up w/ affiliate

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New member
Apr 12, 2008
Hey WF, first post...I am trying to get the ball rolling and have looked into some of the affiliate sites, but in the application process they want to screen you for a site with traffic. My issue is I want to see some options/possible payouts and returns BEFORE i build my site, and to check if there are any good promo offers for ideas I already have. Is there any way to do this - browse through various affiliates' offers to promote without a site/possibly without an account with each affiliate??

Pardon the noobness, look forward to mixing it up with everyone as I get my feet wet.

Thanks guys...xmcp, just making sure - you're saying that's the page you list to get into the affiliate programs so you can check out the offers?? and theyre cool with it lol?
Thanks guys...xmcp, just to make sure - you're saying you used that site when signing up with affiliates so you can get accepted and check out the offers?? very dynamic by the way, hah
There are sites out there like that list offers for a ton of different affiliate networks. I think they are still in beta so you might have to apply for an account. I was approved fairly quickly for it when I applied. I know there are a couple other sites out there that are similar and allow immediate sign up but I can't remember any of them right now.
Yeah, just sign up and check out the offers available, then see if they match up with what you're interested in and what your own domain/sites are compatible with
i.e. the programs I offer are in a P2P niche... wouldn't go too well if you had a domain like www.i♥ Although if you were to nab something like www.♪♫.com...

Just remember, the higher the payout, the lower the ratio of people performing the action required to payout.
PPC stuff is a nice and steady, but low earner.
PPL can do nicely
PPS has some great payouts, but you'll have days where you earn nothing as well...

Just consider the level of risk you want to put in before comitting, because you'll find advertising the site can add up REALLY quickly.
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