Finding a manufacturing partner


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
So I'm finishing up work on a prototype of a new device. I have a few bugs left to squash, but all in all it works well enough.

I built it using hacked together parts of other devices and off the shelf parts from radioshack, and am about ready to find a manufacturer to produce a complete prototype. I have no idea how that works, or where to start.

I've found a few companies that build prototypes or devices in the general category I've got (it's a new kind of pc input device), but I guess I don't really understand the process from here.

Will a manufacture of the prototype complete the functionality? For example, this connects over Bluetooth - will they set it that up so it works? My build is over usb because a usb controller was easy to source and easier for me to test with.

I've 10k aside for a functional prototype - any chance that's enough?

I'm out of my depth with hardware, so if you have any manufacturing experience I'd love some info / advice.

I have a few good relationships with manufacturers in China.

My business partner actually just got an electrical device prototyped (his other business) and plans on using kickstarter to presell if he isn't able to raise the money.

Your question about the prototype really depends on what the mfg has agreed to. You need to analyze your agreement and make sure it includes the build. Often, mfg's will charge a prototype fee that is the engineering/concept work but doesn't include a physical prototype. You need to analyze your quotes in depth. Are your mfg's local?

I could help get you in touch with a few mfg's. It's too hard to tell if 10k is enough to develop. It really depends on how much work they have to do and the tooling they have available.

Also, what kingscotty said is spot on. I've been directed to alibaba by some big hitters locally.

Do you have cad sketches and properly designed circuitry? That can cut down your cost quite a bit if they don't have to engineer it.
I've used Alibaba for bulk orders of stuff before, but never to arrange a prototype's production - didn't even know you could do that so thanks!

I'd prefer to have it done overseas to hit a more comfortable price point.