Finance learning resources?


Feb 18, 2010
I'm looking for some basic finance learning resources. Nothing too sophisticated or in-depth. I just want to get my feet wet and learn the fundamentals. Things like interest, debt, bonds, etc.

My goal is to get an understanding of the basics, so that I will then be able to dive deeper and learn about more advanced topics, and then so that I will ultimately be aware of available investment opportunities and actually be able to understand what they offer and how they work.

The reason I'm interested in all of this is because I have watched several people diversify and invest their money and they are living very comfortably now because they actually took the time to seek out investment opportunities. These people are not financial wizards and I'm not taking about day trading your way to $100k in 6 months.

It just seems really lazy to not at least have a basic understanding of the financial opportunities that are available today, and also it's just plain frustrating. I mean really, I have no idea how money works.


- what are some resources that will teach me the basics of finance / investing and how the whole system works?

- what are some resources that will dive deeper into the basics and teach me some smart ways to invest my money?

- what are some resources that will show me how some of the more advanced things work like hedge funds, banking controversies, etc?

This is both so that I can be smarter with my own money, but also so that I can hold a conversation about this stuff because it really fascinates me but I don't understand 90% of what is being talked about.

For example, I was reading about Soros and how he broke the bank of England and I couldn't even enjoy what he accomplished because I didn't understand what the author was writing.

Let's get some good resources whether videos, books, essays, whatever and start gathering them here.

See you at the top bros. #illuminati

Look up whoever the main body is for qualifications for accountants etc, find a basic one. The main one here is CII, and the modules for the lower level qualifications are also part of the full blown accountancy qualifications, so you can upgrade in the future if needed. I know their first module is Financial Services, Regulations, and Ethics, which covers the world, but primarily the UK. It would probably be most useful if you found the body that handles your country. Like all textbooks, not cheap by book standards, but cheap in terms of price per hour of reading. I think mine was about £20 from Ebay (retail price is something like £60-80 iirc).
Simple Introduction to Options in simple language.
Wall Street Money Machine by Wade Cook.
I am not saying follow the advice, but if you know absolutely nothing.

you can thank me later
Bogleheads Investing Advice and Info

Forget reading anything complicated; all you need are a few very simple, low-cost index funds that cover the entire world:

Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) +
Vanguard Total International Stock ETF (VXUS)


Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT)

My preference is VTI+VXUS and I'm up about 100k in the last year and a half.

I did the research 2 years ago and spent months before taking the plunge and going all in. It's completely passive, you get small, medium and large companies in every sector, it covers the entire world, and you own shares in almost 10,000 different companies.

Don't be fooled by anything complicated. Simplicity is often a better solution.
go on amazon,, and summary websites and look at the top finance books ( personal, investment, etc ) for the past few years and buy 3 in each subject you want.

Also, this post by me might help some:

Take me up on Amazon and audible and the summary sites. Find the top selling and top rated in the different finance sections and buy the top 2-3 in each area.