Finally, we're killing Mexicans!

Wachovia's job isn't law enforcement. They don't have an obligation to look after the public interest.

Think about it. These thugs are probably running around with Nike shoes purchased with blood money. Is Nike somehow at fault for not regulating their sale to gangsters and drug lords?
I keep hearing "how are these cartels getting modern weapons"? Now we know
Wachovia's job isn't law enforcement. They don't have an obligation to look after the public interest.

Think about it. These thugs are probably running around with Nike shoes purchased with blood money. Is Nike somehow at fault for not regulating their sale to gangsters and drug lords?

that analogy makes great sense.

"Wachovia was put under immediate investigation for failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering programme"
The only reason for any of this shit, the only thing that makes it possible, is that the U.S. for some reason finds it necessary to outlaw a naturally occurring plant (marijuana.)
On Dec. 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down. Dodson got the bad news from a colleague.

According to Dodson, "They said, 'Did you hear about the border patrol agent?' And I said, 'Yeah.' And they said 'Well it was one of the Fast and Furious guns.' There's not really much you can say after that."

Two assault rifles ATF had let go nearly a year before were found at Terry's murder.

Wow, that is wild.

The only reason for any of this shit, the only thing that makes it possible, is that the U.S. for some reason finds it necessary to outlaw a naturally occurring plant (marijuana.)

It's definitely not just weed. La Familia is the largest supplier of meth to USA and lets not get started on the coke.
that analogy makes great sense.

"Wachovia was put under immediate investigation for failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering programme"

Well nike better watch out because they'll be next on the chopping block for "high performance basketball sneakers being made available to juarez gangbangers". The offense of such a thing is tantamount to money laundering billions.