Fill in forms for Pay Per Lead Offers

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Is there a way to set up a web page that has forms and once the user fills in the specified forms and presses the submit button will automatically fill in the forms for the pay per lead's site and automatically submit it so the user doesn't know that it goes through another site?

i've seen this done and looked at the people's source code and couldn't figure it out...but then i'm not a programmer LOL.

i've seen some people set up their own landing pages which collect, for example, mortgage info when they then send along to a affiliate program. i've been wanting to set sometime up myself but don't know enough about how it works to even ask how to get it done.
genius... pure genius. although I would not know how it will auto fill into the affiliates site without editing their fields.
Two words, cURL or iframes

cURL will allow you do to everything you just said but requires some PHP knowledge. iframes you can just frame the form from the affiliate site in your site with no scrolling so it looks just like a box
I know the script just for that purpose, but it's no longer sold. Maybe you can go to scriptlance or rentacoder. is something very similar, pay is ok to. All the surfer has to do is click "submit" instead of "skip" etc. I use it on registration on a couple sites so the surfer goes through a couple of offers before registering, it looks like these offers are just part of signup.
this has been done FROM TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME AGO. Ever heard of pre pop coreg forms?
wow man, thats crazy that has crossed my mind before too, but its really unethical.
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