Fight Spam Fast

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The Ultimate Member
Aug 21, 2006
Email newsletters that doesn't have an unsubscribe link, are they considered spam?

What about those with unsubscribe link but they don't honor their unsubscribe? There are a few newsletters that I've clicked on the unsubscribe link so many times but I'm still getting emails from those clowns.

This time I've had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanna report them & blacklist their IP!!!!!!!!!!!

How do I do that?

I'd like to report the ones that the unsubscribe button doesn't even direct you to an unsubscribe option, (let alone an option that is ignored), it just goes to their site that I wasn't interested in anyways!
How about an SEO newsletter that has an unsubscribe button that adds more subscriptions to your account? I used to get Web Pro News about 3 - 4 times a day (same "edition"). Since it's generally shit, I tried unsubscribing to it 3 - 4 times. Now I get 20 + per day. Lucky me.
Web Pro News Sucks!

How about an SEO newsletter that has an unsubscribe button that adds more subscriptions to your account? I used to get Web Pro News about 3 - 4 times a day (same "edition"). Since it's generally shit, I tried unsubscribing to it 3 - 4 times. Now I get 20 + per day. Lucky me.
You're damn right! How did you know that I'm getting web pro news everyday! Just not as many times as you!

Let's report them & kick their asses off the market! They're the first that I wanna get rid off, even more than my direct competitors!
The unsubscribe link actually has a dual function.
It takes you off the current send list and adds you to the premium list. Which means you get spammed even harder by them and their network of friends. You'll find this out soon enough when your spam triples or worse in the next couple weeks. The reason why you go on the premium list is because not only did you just verify to them that your email address is valid by clicking on the link but you're the type of person that will read a spam mail all the way to the fine unsubscribe print at the bottom. Total newbie move :)
Stick with TrendMicro Antispam. It also has awesome spam and fraud reporting features.
Trend Micro Anti-Spam Pilot

I'm not going to tell you how I know all this.
Technically you report them to SORBS (Spam and Open-Relay Blocking System) in order to get them blacklisted.
However it doesn't do a whole lot of good. Its VERY easy to get yourself off the blacklist. Their website makes it seem extremely difficult so users will feel more at ease about the effectiveness of the system, but infact all the spammers have to do is shoot them an email saying unblacklist me please.
Just get over it I guess, Gmail has a pretty nifty spam catching tool, I just use that and reroute the email to thunderbird, then check the spam for anything at the end of the week.

Generally works a charm
I use spamarrest. It has worked great. Also not all spam unsubscribe links puts you on a premium spam list. Some are legit; if they are following CANSPAM anyways..
spend your time do effective things. Looking for places to report people is a waste of time. They're typically changing IP's if they're smart anyways.
You can report them to the feds: (SEcretServiceCrime)

It's what Yahoo and other sites recommend.
They have busted a few of them.

Well, this is a major problem for me on one of my sites, tho I transfered to a more secure host. No problem with the first one with SiteGround, but the other one.
I'll have to start a new thread on this, cuz I discovered the source of many of these spam terrorists. And I want revenge. They are very tricky.
Maybe you all can help me. It's why I'm pulling a 24 tonight.

I'll come back later, after some sleep, I hope.
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