Fifa World Cup Final

Who will win the Fifa World Cup Final?

  • Italy

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • France

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Should have been Australia

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Peter said:
Should have been Australia. But seeing as they're not in, I'll be going for France.

It wouldn't have been Australia. They wouldn't have beat Germany. What makes you so sure Australia would have even beat Italy? Italy had a better statistical record at the end of the game and they were down a player for an entire half.

Cop it on the chin, sore losers, that is all there is to it.

Go Italia!
ITALIA said:
It wouldn't have been Australia. They wouldn't have beat Germany. What makes you so sure Australia would have even beat Italy? Italy had a better statistical record at the end of the game and they were down a player for an entire half.

Cop it on the chin, sore losers, that is all there is to it.

Go Italia!

Italy just had a better shot count, but that didn't mean they were very good shots. And it doesn't matter who played better, all that matters is Lucas Neil did not deserve to get fouled - you can't deny that. :glowingeyes_sml:
Dave said:
Italy just had a better shot count, but that didn't mean they were very good shots. And it doesn't matter who played better, all that matters is Lucas Neil did not deserve to get fouled - you can't deny that.

Italy played a better game, enough said. Better defense, and a worthy offense. Want a tissue?

All these Australians have to get over it, take your bloody flags off your cars, you're not in the tournament anymore.
ITALIA said:
Italy played a better game, enough said. Better defense, and a worthy offense. Want a tissue?

All these Australians have to get over it, take your bloody flags off your cars, you're not in the tournament anymore.

Doesn't matter who played a better game :music06: seeing as neither team scored, and it all went down to a shoddy foul - and stfu bout the flags....yay for Australia....yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :love-smiley-086:
ITALIA said:
Cop it on the chin, sore losers, that is all there is to it.

Woah, dude, ease up - I was just going along with the poll. I don't think we would have beaten Germany ether, I'll agree on that. Italy did take some very blatant dives though. :)
Italy looked sub-par against Austrailia, but brilliant against Germany.

France looked brilliant against Brazil, but ok against Portugal.

Depends on what team shows up. My money is on Zidane having another game like he did against Brazil and showing Totti how youre supposed to play in a World Cup ;)
Ha ha, it's good to see everybody so fired up for their teams. I'm backing Italy because I think if they play at their top form they should win the cup over France and send the Frenchmen packing for Paris. I can't wait.
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