Feeling stuck with my PPC Experiment

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New member
Oct 6, 2006
So the experts say you gotta find something that works and then exploit it. So I find an offer that converts at a decent rate, but only for this one keyword and variations of the keyword. This one keyword does not give me that much traffic on MSN, maybe 3 converts a day.

So I try to run it on Yahoo. Yahoo rejects the word, insufficient content, relvency, which I guess makes sense since its not really directly related. So thats a bit of a dead end. I want to give it a go on Google but I don't have a high enough CTR to make the campaign last.

I am trying new ads to see if I can get my CTR up. I guess not all ideas are exploitable?

On a side note, its remarkable that the only keyword that converts from my huge list is one that I thought of myself. the other 5000-10000, zero zip nada that I got from my software. I think those software programs, keyword analyzer are really not very helpful

lol, they are, but the best tool oftern is yuor brain. But manually, you can't generate a list of 5k keywords in like 10 seconds. They have there place.
3 leads a day isn't bad, especially if it's like mortgage or ringtones. If that's all you are getting, then keep funding that, but move on to something else. Imagine if you get 10 things / niches that get 3 leads a day, then that's 30, just find something that makes you money, keep it, and move on.
lol, they are, but the best tool oftern is yuor brain. But manually, you can't generate a list of 5k keywords in like 10 seconds. They have there place.
3 leads a day isn't bad, especially if it's like mortgage or ringtones. If that's all you are getting, then keep funding that, but move on to something else. Imagine if you get 10 things / niches that get 3 leads a day, then that's 30, just find something that makes you money, keep it, and move on.

Great suggestion! This is exactly what I'm trying to do right now. You really gotta work your way up.
So I try to run it on Yahoo. Yahoo rejects the word, insufficient content, relvency, which I guess makes sense since its not really directly related. So thats a bit of a dead end.

Yahoo can be a fucking nightmare, 90% of the time even if all of your keywords are laser targeted they will rejects keywords for some reason or another. Just keep resubmitting them. Eventually they will let them through
Yahoo is braindead. Google stops campaigns if you have a tiny typo. Yahoo actually changes you ad copy without your permission and adds typos to it.
Does anyone convert with yahoo? I have a campaign on msn that converts at 5% or better, ran it on yahoo and got more traffic, but like 1% conversion.
when you guys run these are you paying for ad space on yahoo/msn, etc. like you do when running an arb site at 7search?

do you also run on 7search as well? i'm guessing it depends on the payout- but what is the usual cap on your bids? i'm guessing much higher than when running an arb campaign...
when you guys run these are you paying for ad space on yahoo/msn, etc. like you do when running an arb site at 7search?

do you also run on 7search as well? i'm guessing it depends on the payout- but what is the usual cap on your bids? i'm guessing much higher than when running an arb campaign...

Yup, same concept. 7search sucks for affiliate offers. You can bid more for an affiliate offer because the payout is higher. Your chasing $10 up offers instead of $.40 clicks. It is harder to convert an affiliate, then getting an adsense ad.
Does anyone convert with yahoo? I have a campaign on msn that converts at 5% or better, ran it on yahoo and got more traffic, but like 1% conversion.

I was converting was at yahoo, you just have to be careful because of no geotargeting. If you get creating writing your ad you can kind of avoid that problem
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