Feed back on my LP/Site

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New member
Jan 26, 2009
St. Louis, Mo
Having trouble getting this site to get a call (conversion). Even when people are in the buying mindset I can't seem to get them to call. Am I missing something fundamental or is there anything you think that might need improvement or redone?
(Note: The intro paragraph hasn't been there for any clicks yet - but I've never written an intro paragraph before.)

The LP my traffic in buyers/searching mindset land to: St. Louis Plumbing - We beat all other St Louis plumbers. Rooter Max St. Louis Plumbing Services.

Put the phone number somewhere at the top of the page. Above the fold. Somewhere they don't have to scroll down to find.
You at least need to put a hero shot.

"A ‘hero shot’ is a picture or graphic representation of the item being marketed, whether it’s a tangible product, the cover of a report or the photo of a webinar presenter."
Lots of changes and lessons learned. Thanks for the help everyone. Didn't expect this much response. I'm still looking for the perfect picture but there is a hero atm. Thanks again everybody.
1) The red type saying "GET YOUR PROBLEM FIXED ALREADY!" seems too much like a command and doesn't connect well. It's as if someone were yelling that at you before slamming the door in your face. Why not be a bit friendlier and maybe say "Let's Fix Your Problem. Today."

2) Try making a larger badge out of the channel logo that says "Best Value Plumbing Company" in big type on it. The tiny caption above it (wrong place) gets totally lost and places the big "5" logo out of context.

And when you have a nice and shiny badge, you could place it in the sidebar below the menu/above the fold.

Good luck.
That hero shot is scary as fuck. I wouldn't let that guy into my house. Find one that looks less like a stalker and a little more helpful / friendly.

Your guy:

Says: "Hi, I have lots of tools, but they're tools of torture. I'm going to show up at your house and ass fuck you, then sit down and drink your beer"

This guy

Says: "Yeah, I'm taking a shit on your floor, but at least I'm smiling and I won't fuck your dog like the other guy"

In other words, find a less intimidating hero shot.
Haha, it's the Rectal Rooter.

That hero shot is scary as fuck. I wouldn't let that guy into my house. Find one that looks less like a stalker and a little more helpful / friendly.

Your guy:

Says: "Hi, I have lots of tools, but they're tools of torture. I'm going to show up at your house and ass fuck you, then sit down and drink your beer"
lol at SEO_Mike's comment.
I suggest that you put down "fast response" or "we arrive at your house within x minutes" as a value proposition. Your current value propositions all have to do with price, but when your shitter is overflowing and you need to stop it fast you care about speed more than about price. That's why plumbers earn so much (at least where I live).
I agree with bobsoap's point 1, that line isn't very appealing.

Perhaps, 'We Can Fix Your Problem, Today." Friendly, yet authoritative.

Is Ph: xxx-xxx standard in the US? Wouldn't Tel: xxx-xxx be better? Little thing, but familiarity helps.
That hero shot is scary as fuck. I wouldn't let that guy into my house. Find one that looks less like a stalker and a little more helpful / friendly.

Your guy:

Says: "Hi, I have lots of tools, but they're tools of torture. I'm going to show up at your house and ass fuck you, then sit down and drink your beer"

This guy

Says: "Yeah, I'm taking a shit on your floor, but at least I'm smiling and I won't fuck your dog like the other guy"

In other words, find a less intimidating hero shot.
lol. I'm still laughing. You've made my day! :D
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