FBI looking for a man with a white hat, and one with a black hat

I guess the man in the yellow hat has been cleared.

Because 4chan is way more on top of this investigation than the FBI/Homeland Security/CIA, etc...

And they should be posting video evidence to convince all the internet armchair detectives that they are onto the right guys...



Where's their proof? All they show is two guys walking, shit even 4Chan came up with more compelling stuff.

Do you think it's possible that they maybe aren't showing all their cards? I mean, do you think there's even the slimmest chance that the FBI has information on these guys that they aren't sharing?

Prolly not, right?
yeah, they should totally release the video so every loony can suddenly have a convincing eye witness account of the bags being dropped

i'd guess the fact they're actually saying they have this footage means they have some way stronger evidence up their sleeves too. the less the perpetrators know they know, the more leverage they have


Where's their proof? All they show is two guys walking, shit even 4Chan came up with more compelling stuff.

Nobody has been charged with a crime yet, and even if they had, the prosecution would probably wait until the trial to show most/all of their proof.