FB Spy Tools still around?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
ON, Canada
Does anbody know of any Facebook Spy tools that are still working? I would love to get my hands on one of them, but can't seem to find anything... Any help would be much appreciated.

I found a facebook developer in the forums from Eastern Europe he sells one but it is not cheap: facebook spy

I never click bit.ly links anymore so :uhoh2:

There was a facebook spy tool made by someone on this forum which just went public a little while ago but it blows so much its not even worth it.
What is affedge exactly? Is it a scraper? I don't understand what it is from their site.
i find that spy tools r useless

wat u wanna do is hopefully stumble upon a super aff's ads

but wat i've found is that a super aff won't target the typical demographic on fb thus u end up spying on a bunch of newbie's ads...
Just paid for the AffEdge. It's a pretty neat tool and I like their interface. Too bad it's only 30 days of history + US Only... Still worth it I think. Will throw up a few campaigns and if anybody interested will share the results.