fb imp

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me > u
Feb 3, 2009

yeah so created some fb ads today for a new niche im running ... initial targeting age split 3years .. and gender. (i.e male 18-21 ... 22-25 etc etc). ads were approved fine ... been running for a little over 2 hours. but barely breaking 3k impressions in any of the demos .. i thought fb thru you 5k off the bat .. my bids were .32 as well ...

do i need tomake the bids higher? or ...

any help is appreciated in advance!


FB has pretty much gone to shit again.

They overextended their welcome mat and now they don't have enough impressions for all the advertisers creating 50 ads or more each per account per day.

What was true last week is not true this week. New ad bursts are as low as 1k now.

Only way you can get much traffic out of new ads now is to bid an unprofitable bid price or be creative and make a high ctr ad.... The problem with being creative is that FB is going against what they said and are now disapproving ads for little things again. Like your image not being relevant to your LP.

And a BIG THANKS to all the ad copiers. Because grants, google money, and most diet offers are now banned. You can't even put the word Google in your ad title anymore.
garbage ctrs ... im barely getting clicks on the ads that are reaching 1k+ ... i think the highest ctr out of that niche so far is like .05 .... Ugh.

Im going to give it a few more hours .. then copy the ads and remake them and delete the old ones ... see whats that does.
It'd be nice if you could time the initial burst without having to pause your campaigns before they're even started.
I'm fucking sick of my ads getting approved at 2am local time when there's no fucking traffic to serve to them, or having to set them at 1¢ and waiting till it's 4pm all over again.
You know, starting threads on a forum is kind of similar to pitching an ad on facebook.

Write a catchy headline, a headline that cuts to the meat of the matter and gets attention and you'll get a better ctr. Capitalisation, punctuaction, clarity all help too.

What the fuck is 'fb imp'? Working that out takes about 0.5 of a second. Which is about 0.4 of a second longer that most people spend scanning down the page of thread titles, right past yours, to the one that says "OMFG, makeTITmoneys, FTW? LOL!"

As an experiment create the same thread, incorporating the phrase 'Facebook Impressions' into a questions people here would find relevant.

Stop with the '...' while you're at it, too.

Then you might learn something about a better CTR on FB. I mean, shit, you're halfway there - you've got the tits part figured out. Your ads do have tits, right?

Oh, and regarding your ads, the CTR is too low, they'll be Dead By Dawn \m/

Unfortunately 0.32 cents and hardly any impressions is common right now.
All of you making shitty ads and 'biding higher' are ruining facebook for everyone else. You're turning something that was really profitable into a joke, all because you can't make your own, good ad copies.

Just give up already.
You fucks all think cause an ad is on the adboard it must be profitable..so you just keep on copying...these are usually the fucks that ask stupid questions rather than test shit out themselves
Hitting 10k impressions with a new ad no problem on my end. Maybe I am posting where the traffic is. 32 cents would be way too much. I stick to 17 to 25 cents off the bat.
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