FB Ads Manager Program - Need Beta Testers!! (Upload 1,000's of FaceBook Ads)‏‏


New member
Jun 30, 2011
FB Ads Manager Program - Need Beta Testers!! (Upload 1,000's of FaceBook Ads)‏‏

I am the co-owner of adToolBox which is a FaceBook Ads Manager Software program.

We just released a public version a week ago but I am still looking for some people here that are interested in Beta Testing a full "Registered Version" for Free. I just ask that you give us HONEST feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our software.

Again, our software program works with FaceBook Ads and can create 1,000's of ads and auto-upload them to FaceBook. Once uploaded you can then set it up to automatically "Optimize" your ads by Pausing/Deleting ads that are not converting well. You are then left with only the BEST converting ads!

I'm looking for a decent amount of testers here but have to limit it to no more then 30. Please e-mail me if you are interested in Beta Testing our software!

kind regards,

e-mail address: Robert@adToolBox.com

adToolBox.com (FB Ads Manager)