FB Ad Manager not working?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I have the latest version, it was working for me earlier this week.

Today it's freezing up on the "create ad" page. Was something changed on that page?

I even went as far as to throw it on my windows VPS to see if something was broken on my side, and the same thing happens there. Sits on the create ad page, doesn't go to the "approve/submit" page.

Happening for anyone else today?


at first I was like....

I had the same problem. All I did was just reinstall the script and its been perfect ever since. Used it all day today.
I'm pretty sure when he updates these small things like this its the same link he last emailed you. Just re-download the file from the same link and upload it to FF.
must be nice. any updates? Theres nothing on the forum, havent gotten an email.

When it froze on me I was like :crap:

then I read the tip somewhere in their forum about reinstalling it. Just sorted through my emails til I found the link to the .xpi file and ....

ZING! :banana_sml:

Should work for ya. I never got an email about any kind of fix or anything either