Fat person trick


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
I was at the gas station today, waiting rather impatiently while a large woman bought a bunch of scratch tickets, and then finally proceeded to pay for her, uh, groceries.

After about 5 minutes I found myself rather bemused by the remarkably stereotypical situation (obese woman buying junk food and scratch tickets) so i snapped a pick and went to share it w/ my brother for the simple joy of mocking.

Right after I pulled the trigger on this pic, an entirely new (to me) woman emerged from the other side of this other woman. I'd not seen nor had any indication of this second woman until she emerged from what can only be described as the best hiding spot ever.

Any way, here is the pic. How the fuck do you let your self go so bad you can hide an entire full grown person with your girth?


Based on your description I imagined her to be fatter. I hate fatties just as much as the next guy bro but this is kind of mean.
I don't hate fat people. One of my brothers is the size of a horse. Someone was hiding behind her. for five minutes. without being noticed. I thought it was funny.
I'm wondering how she pleasure herself for sexual stuff.

doritos story tiem?

yes, yes my dear i do believe it is:

This actually happened to a lady who is a close family friend.
At one point, she worked at a convalescent home; not just for old people either. It was for folks who were a little nuts and couldn't take care of themselves. One lady there has this disorder. She thinks EVERYTHING is food, as in she'd eat her dinner and then start trying to eat the napkins. As you can guess, she ended up morbidly obese. She was too fat for the showers, so they had to take her out back and hose her down like an elephant. Since she was so fat, she had a lot of rolls, and they couldn't get everywhere. Now, one day the family friend is making her rounds of the complex, and was stopped by this dude in a wheelchair. He mumbles something at her. "Bitch stole my Doritos..." "What?" "That fat lady stole my Doritos and SHE WON'T GIVE 'EM BACK!" "Okay, okay, calm down. I'll get your chips back for you." She goes into the fat lady's room. She's in their with the chips and nothing else. Buck naked, with her legs spread. There's this thick almost gelatinous discharge in the fat lady's vagina. And she's dipping the chips. And eating it. With that cheese drip on pizza stretch effect. She apparently had this big smile as it dripped down her chin.
Leave the lady alone and mind your fucking business asshole... She's just trying to make it through life like anyone else...

Shut the fuck up you soft, puppy ass bitch. If I see a fucking whale heaving itself around, there is a 95% chance I'll say something very degrading within earshot of the blubber storage. People being dicks to fat fucks will eventually make them lose some god damn weight and try to live a healthy life. I have 0 sympathy for these people.
Ok, if you're going to do this, you have to make it fair.

Post a pic of yourself too, so we can all judge it as well.
Shut the fuck up you soft, puppy ass bitch. If I see a fucking whale heaving itself around, there is a 95% chance I'll say something very degrading within earshot of the blubber storage. People being dicks to fat fucks will eventually make them lose some god damn weight and try to live a healthy life. I have 0 sympathy for these people.

If you knew anything about the psychology behind how people get that big, you'd realise doing that is not helpful in the slightest, will likely depress them further, leading to them eating more. That sorta thing will work on people who've let themselves go a bit and have a few pounds to lose, but not on level 74 whales.