Famous Restauranteurs


Pheasant Heavy Breathing
Mar 14, 2008
Ok, so bear with me. My friend recently got a job working for a nice restaurant and it made me want to read about famous restauranteurs. I'm already pretty interested in offline business down the road and I want to soak up as much information as I go along.

So, I find this article:

Myriad Restaurant Group

Basically, it's about this guy who started a concept restaurant in 1985 at the age of 30 and kept parlaying his success along the way. He owns both Nobus, and a bunch of other hits.

The guy is obviously SUPER proud of himself but I can kind of see why.

Also, he went here: Cornell School of Hotel Administration

I'd love to find out how much he attributes his success to Cornell. He was obviously already super driven and could execute his plans well.

Anybody eaten at any of his places?

I’m a budding restaurateur myself. I have had a few concepts over the years to start fine dining restaurants. But a lot of those dreams have not yet materialized as yet. Fucking Recession! I’ve been doing a lot of research over the years about the kind of licenses one would need to ascertain before they can set up. I have even been in contact with a few hospitality establishment agencies. But fact of the matter is that without the moolah, I’m fucking worthless. I can’t wait to get back on the road again. Killing myself silently to get back into the hospitality circle. But I have got so fucking fat and addicted to online marketing that I can hardly remember basic misenplace anymore.

Here is a tip to all those people who want to one day branch off into offline management: Don’t forget to keep yourself abreast on the latest of your desired profession. There is a lot happening everyday and if you don’t keep up, you are going to have a tough fucking time at judgment day. I’m suffering. Don’t let it happen to you too.

There are plenty of people who have come from rags to riches in the world of food and beverage. Their stories are search engine friendly. Look it up. Get fucking inspired and piss on the world below. Cornell was the man of the moment. He still etches on to be. But don’t misunderstand competition. See where the Acai Berry has landed up.
80% of all new restaurants fail within 2 years. I sold mine at a 800% ROI but I bootstrapped that fucker from the ground up, literally. Good luck.
Nobu yes went there a few times in New York. Great place, fusion Japanese. Quality of sea food in top, great cuisine overall. But anyway this is rated at the top, and it deserves it. Cornell, here again rated at the top in hotel/restauration. This is mostly rated for hotel management, so he learned mostly management stuff there, not so much fine cooking.
I always thought Nobu (NYC) was kind of overrated but generally liked his Tribeca Grill restuarant.

A more recent NYC bootstrap restauranteur story worth reading about David Chang of Momofuku fame. I don't live in the city anymore, but his Momofuku Ko place was the hottest seat in town for at least its 1st year.