Fake stat counters?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I need a fake stat counter so everytime someone hits my home page right next to my opt-in form it will say something like "Over $6,789 Payed Out this month."

and then the numbers will keep slowly increasing so it looks like there is actual activity and money being generated.

I'm a chimp when it comes to coding and design. Are there any easy to use generators out there, or any easy scripts you guys can throw my way? I've been searching but all I'm finding is pure crap or people trying to game alexa.

An example would be how on gmail.com the amount of storage you get is constantly "increasing". Here's another:


Here you go... Requires jQuery.

<div id="counter"></div>​

var start = 412323;
var current = start;
var minValue = 10;
var maxValue = 500;


setInterval(function() {
    var random = minValue + Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);
    current = current + random;
}, 1000);​
Just sent you a PM nick.

Here you go... Requires jQuery.

<div id="counter"></div>​
var start = 412323;
var current = start;
var minValue = 10;
var maxValue = 500;


setInterval(function() {
    var random = minValue + Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);
    current = current + random;
}, 1000);​
fake stats counter?

You mean, like every stats counter?

I keep getting geocities flashbacks thinking about this thread
mpbiz. The first bit <div id="counter"></div> is the HTML that goes into your page body.

The other code goes on the bottom within a script tag, but you need to add before it the jquery include.