Fake comments on new blog?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I just made my first blog, and was wondering should I post fake comments to look as though people read it/like my writing? Then maybe respond to answers so I look knowledgeable and helpful?

Dont forget to tell us how is your blog growing up....
And keep up your good work....
Yeah, I was thinking about using my friends computers to post comments, and then just answer them hopefully it works.
here's a great idea. write great content that people will want to read and you will have real comments. if no one comes to read your blog they aren't going to read your comments either.
why use friends computers or proxy? you just need change name and type different sentences.
If you are hosting said blog.. then don't worry about proxy and friends computers. As long as you are able to switch mindsets between each "comment" then you should be fine.
here's a nice tip. Write a good content, look for blogs that have commentluv and comment on them (You can use comment kahuna for this, and it's FREE). With the help of commentluv, your latest post in your blog will be seen along with your comment! So, if someone has read your post title and they are interested/intrigued in your content, most likely they will visit your site and post some comments on your posts!