Fake Blog Comments


New member
Apr 7, 2008
I want to add backdated blog comments to a blog to create the impression that the blog has traffic and an engaged user community.

Can I do this by importing data into the database tables?
Is there a plugin that does this?

Open your wordpress db in phpmyadmin or similar, work out where comments are stored, copy with fake data, sorted.
Here's something I never really understood about backdated content, wouldn't the SE's know hey that comment that has supposedly been there for 4 weeks wasn't really there when we indexed this page 2 days ago?
Here's something I never really understood about backdated content, wouldn't the SE's know hey that comment that has supposedly been there for 4 weeks wasn't really there when we indexed this page 2 days ago?

A search engine doesn't specifically know what a "comment" is. To them its just new content with dates.

Trying to implement a check like that would be complicated because of other valid reasons a website might suddenly show content with previous dates at any time, for example such as with a site where people post restaurant reviews and are listing the date of their dinner (which might have been weeks in the past). The symantic processing isn't there yet and even if it was there are still times where something like this might be valid, such as if a site was moving to a new host and the comments hadn't been migrated yet for whatever reason.

TL;DR SE's aren't this smart yet.
Here's something I never really understood about backdated content, wouldn't the SE's know hey that comment that has supposedly been there for 4 weeks wasn't really there when we indexed this page 2 days ago?

This situation would occur naturally if you had a Wordpress blog that didn't allow the SE's to index it and you were receiving comments and then one day you changed your privacy settings to allow indexing.

What would potentially be weird is if you had comments on your blog that were dated before your domain name was even registered.