Facebook Timeline


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Has anybody seen the new Facebook "Timeline" style profile? If not, here is a picture -


Also more information here - Introducing Timeline | Facebook

Anyway the point I am getting at is, does anybody else think it looks like it sucks? I haven't got it on my profile yet, but looking at other people's profiles it seems confusing.

I've just started my "7-Day Preview" so I'll have a proper play around with it seeing as it's gonna be shoved down our throats in the next few weeks anyway.

Is the change to much? Is the change a step backwards, considering the similarity between Timeline and, for example, Bebo profiles? Do you think this will play into the hands of G+? Or is it good that Facebook are considering long term accessibility of all data on a profile, say 30 years from now?

I have had this for like a month or more, you could make it come up on your profile easily, nice job welcome to last month,
Who cares? Facebook has no impact on my life on any level, ever. If you don't like it, don't use it. I stopped using it when I became an adult.