Facebook testing new ads ... even on busines pages


New member
Jun 14, 2011
under the bed



I saw that ... but dont they have to allow something like this on THEIR site ?

Those ads are fucking annoying!
What the fuck were they thinking placing those on business pages?
That's definitely annoying if true... I have yet to see those anywhere though. Was that on People's fan page?
am sure you have one those lame ass "Pagerage" kinda stupid toolbar which trigger that ad. Its not FB testing anything like this BS. For testing purposes, FB would only work with bigger brands not some small time BS advertisers.
am sure you have one those lame ass "Pagerage" kinda stupid toolbar which trigger that ad. Its not FB testing anything like this BS. For testing purposes, FB would only work with bigger brands not some small time BS advertisers.

^That has to be it. These types of ads are not on Facebook.
+1 for Facebook for creating a community thats as good as drugs and then using it also rape their members. I <3 you Mark.