Facebook Suggested Friends


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Dec 14, 2008
I've been noticing some very strange suggested friends lately on Facebook. Strange because

a) they aren't friends with any of my other friends
b) I've never made contact with them outside of email, and I haven't done an fb email import in literally years.
c) some of them have just joined

I'm having a hard time figuring out where facebook is sourcing the relationship, its possible they are saving email contacts beyond the initial import (which imo is totally fucked up).

Anyone else seeing anything similar?

A friend of mine just brought this up this weekend to me and said a bunch of his clients are showing up in his suggested friends when they are not friends with any of his friends, nor do they mention his company in their profile. Oh and they lived in different states. Kind of weird
I saw some weird ones, but it could be
-friends of friends of friends (who knows how deep they look at relationships)
-same groups/pages/apps
Did you plug your email username and password in? If you did and haven't changed it since, then it could be pulling new contacts. I have had people pop up from 3-4 years or more that I used to talk to on MSN show up, which is odd because I have never given Facebook any logins or imported any contact lists.
Privacy no longer exists online, certainly not on Facebook.

On Facebook people who are not on your friend's list can see inside your entire photo album if somebody on their list is tagged in one of the albums' photos, for example. I've had girls I'm dating looking inside my albums at photos of me with other girls wondering who they are and shit. And people can tag themselves, so people can ask their friend to tag themself in one of my photos so they can see inside my album through that tag. Bullshit. I shouldn't have to worry about that crap.
I'm gettin some weird suggestions (people who's names don't even ring a bell), I've never imported anything though.

What if Google was sharing information with FB? Creepy.
This is exactly the reason why I only use Facebook for advertising. I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the changes to their privacy policy anyway, not to mention this shit that they don't even tell you about. Fuck that
You may not have allowed access to your contact list. But the other people on your contact list might have shared theirs.
Privacy no longer exists online, certainly not on Facebook.

On Facebook people who are not on your friend's list can see inside your entire photo album if somebody on their list is tagged in one of the albums' photos, for example. I've had girls I'm dating looking inside my albums at photos of me with other girls wondering who they are and shit. And people can tag themselves, so people can ask their friend to tag themself in one of my photos so they can see inside my album through that tag. Bullshit. I shouldn't have to worry about that crap.
Simply remove the unwanted/non-proper tags then and don't upload photos your not OK with the internet seeing. :/
You may not have allowed access to your contact list. But the other people on your contact list might have shared theirs.


Also, just because you don't have any mutual friends doesn't mean they don't have pending requests out for your friends.

I never even imported a contact list and I'm still impressed by some of the suggestions I get.
Me and my friend noticed the same thing. He suggested that Facebook installs something on your cpu but I don't know how plausible that is. They suggested a girl that I fucked in Europe 7 years ago as a friend but I didn't think anything of it until my friend mentioned a similar coincidence.
1. I have never let them search through my email
2. I only have a facebook account that I use for advertising. I have 1 friend on that account, my 19 year old niece who does no IM whatsoever.
3. They recommend Amit Mehta and Kirsty McCubbin as friends.
4. WTF????

(They are both in in my google reader account for which I foolishly use the same login/password, and yes I am ashamed about Amit being in there :repuke:)