Facebook split test question


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I haven't found the answers to these questions after searching for a while. I just put up a facebook ad and decided to test out a certain demographic: females between a certain age group who have certain interests.

1. When I split test (images of ad, title of ad, ad copy, lp, etc), should I keep it all targeted to the same demographic? I feel like if I change the demographic (male/female, interests, age, etc.), it could fuck everything up and not tell me how my ad affects my ctr.

2. Should I be limiting myself to a certain demographic to start off?

3. Is there any way to see which interests are converting. For example, a user who likes fashion versus a user who likes slutty girls? It looks like the facebook tracking only tells which ad is converting, so would I need to make a separate ad targeting one specific interest to figure this out?


It's been a while since I ran ads on Facebook...but since when can you track conversions within Facebook? Are you talking about CTR as opposed to conversions?

Anyway, you will need to create separate ads targeting different interests if you want to split test at the interest level. However, you're really limiting the lifespan of your ads since interest targeting generally gives you a much smaller audience.
Thanks for responding. Facebook say they have conversion tracking now, although I am not sure if we can track sales from affiliate programs. If you type in Facebook Conversion Tracking on Google, the guide comes up.

Ok so would you suggest not interest targeting and just targeting age, sex, etc, or no targeting at all?

Hey, you can look at responder demographics after 48 hours I believe.

This will tell you the age + gender of who clicked your ad. So, its fairly easy to narrow down which demo is giving you the highest CTR. If you have conversion tracking, you'll also be able to tell which demo converts. So, if you are split testing age + gender, you don't have to create separate ads for each.
Oh sweet, thank you. I didn't realize they had responder demographics. I gotta learn more about the conversion tracking and if it works for affiliate offers. It looks like it definitely works if you sell on your actual site, and want to count when people get to your thank you page etc.
In answer to your first question, as Kingofsp said, it depends on what you are wanting to test.

If you are looking to split test your LP design to see what page design performs the best then you would want to keep your same target demographic in order to see which design performs better.

If you are looking to change or expand your target demographic then you would want to first use your best performing LP design to test on the new demographic.

Then you would want to test out your other LP designs to see if maybe they do better for the new demographic than the one that is doing well on the current demographic.

This is why you really want to SAVE ALL of you LP designs for a campaign and not just arbitrarily scrap them after doing split tests.

There is no hard and fast rule with this. It really is the epitome of "Trial & Error".

The closest thing to a hard & fast rule is, "Always be testing and analyzing data in order to continually improve the performance of a campaign!!"
You can always use prosper202 and place the tracking pixel on your network as well.

Edit:Fuck,i'm drunk.