Facebook Retroactive Disapproval


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Has anyone ever had this happen before?

I had a creative that was kicking ass for a day...wanted to switch from CPM to CPC bidding so i copied the creative and submitted it. Got disapproved.

I check a few hours later on my account and one of the original ads is disapproved now too. (I had a few copies of it since I was testing across different age groups).

Has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Why did Facebook disapprove my ad after approving it? (does this mean some people reported my ad for being offensive?)

You may be engaging in behavior that violates Facebook's Advertising Guidelines.

You have been blocked from creating ads because it appears you may be programmatically automating the ad creation process. This block will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When you are allowed to create ads again, please proceed with caution and do not use any unauthorized automation tools. You can reference this rule in part 1.b. of the Facebook Advertising Guidelines

I guess that happens if I make over 1000 ads in 24 hours?