Facebook Reporting Screwed Up?

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
Is reporting screwed up for anyone else? I can't select today from the drop down menu and have it display my daily stats anymore. It always displays the stats for the entire time the campaigns have been active.


Yup, it's been like that for several days. Anyone have the balls to send Facebook an e-mail?
Another pain in the ass thing is facebook won't let me delete some of my campaigns. So I have about 500 ads all with giant red "disapproved" lying around.

BTW how many times should you resubmit the same ad before you give up... 10, 20, 30, 50 ?
pretty sad a multi billion dollar website cant fix its own stats for several days. Blows ass...You can check yesterday stats, but no daily stats. Been that way for me for over 3 days now
pretty sad a multi billion dollar website cant fix its own stats for several days. Blows ass...You can check yesterday stats, but no daily stats. Been that way for me for over 3 days now

Yesterday's stats is actually displaying today's stats.
pretty sad a multi billion dollar website cant fix its own stats for several days. Blows ass...You can check yesterday stats, but no daily stats. Been that way for me for over 3 days now

Stats have been messed up for at least 4 or 5 days and it seems they are too incompetent to fix it. It's pathetic but so is just about everyone else FB does with their advertising system.
Has anyone found a way to actually see yesterday's stats? Looks like it's only possible to see today's (by selecting yesterday's .... ) and lifetime ones.

Sad to see just how messed up the system is.
Same in the UK, cant get daily stats, all messed up urrrghh, fucking annoying.

Also got emailed by an account rep 10 days ago, "was there anything he could do fo me, feedback spend budget increase etc etc.." Very nice!

I replied with some feedback and questions and heard nothing back yet 10 days and counting. Would be nice if they could respond a bit quicker..
Another pain in the ass thing is facebook won't let me delete some of my campaigns. So I have about 500 ads all with giant red "disapproved" lying around.

BTW how many times should you resubmit the same ad before you give up... 10, 20, 30, 50 ?

I have ad groups that I cant delete. I can delete the ads but not the group.
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