Facebook profile timelines

ii silver ii

Dec 18, 2008
You've probably all seen the images from the recent conference discussing the profiles being changed to a timeline basis but it's always better to get first hand experience ..

If you want to get involved in the developer beta (goes live 1st October .. apparently) then follow these steps:

  1. Click the Developer footer tab
  2. Click 'Build Apps on Facebook' (middle right hand side of screen)
  3. Click Apps in the top nav
  4. If you already have an app then click 'Edit Open Graph'
  5. -- If not 'Create New App', fill in random information and submit the form
  6. -- Click Open Graph
  7. Fill in what people do on your app 'watch' - 'videos', then click Get Started
  8. Click 'Save Changes' and do the same on the next page but 'Save and Finish'
  9. Go to your profile page and you should get some new boxes to accept an invite

Steps stolen and simplified from .. HOW TO: Get The New Facebook Timeline Right Now

Makes Google+ look a little outdated?

about 90% of facebook hate it. Also google plus just went public right around this change. Google must be thanking facebook for the time line changes.

90% of people don't like change but due to loyalty 90% will also stay, get used to the new changes and then relike the new style.

Been many changes to Facebook in the past ... they've not done too bad along the way.

I kind of like the new style, seems cleaner and a little fresh although I'm not too keen on how easy it is for people to see everything you've done in your life that easily ..
It's so annoying seeing all the changes. When the timelines be 100% all up and running, it would very confusing for some. I do not know what facebook will be in the future a lot of applications, changes, etc. to make it look cool? Or to gain more members who will be facebook's one of its sources of income.