Facebook not a backlink?


New member
Jun 4, 2016
I've been looking over my google webmaster page and noticed that it lists all your backlinks. I found no links from Facebook which is disappointing because my content has been shared by quite a few people. Does Facebook not count as a backlink?

If your posted URL on Facebook is shared by someone then it will be counted as a backlink for your website and you can see it in Google Webmaster's tools as well. In your case I think that page is not indexed by Google due to this it is not showing in Google Webmasters Tools as a backlink.
Google will sometimes not index social signals that are of low quality. You need to use tools like Instant Link Indexer. If don’t work, then the quality of the links is too low.
No, Facebook links are not followed:

<a class="_52c6" href="https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/07/stopped-drinking-alcohol-sunday-brunch?CMP=fb_gu" tabindex="-1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmouseover="LinkshimAsyncLink.swap(this, "https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/commentisfree\/2016\/oct\/07\/stopped-drinking-alcohol-sunday-brunch?CMP=fb_gu");" onclick="LinkshimAsyncLink.referrer_log(this, "https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/commentisfree\/2016\/oct\/07\/stopped-drinking-alcohol-sunday-brunch?CMP=fb_gu", "\/si\/ajax\/l\/render_linkshim_log\/?u=https\u00253A\u00252F\u00252Fwww.theguardian.com\u00252Fcommentisfree\u00252F2016\u00252Foct\u00252F07\u00252Fstopped-drinking-alcohol-sunday-brunch\u00253FCMP\u00253Dfb_gu&h=nAQGIVO_HAQFCWKnLxD4sA4ME36NCUNy9wEAXOdN0lSMJLQ&render_verification=0&enc=AZNvcdY-PMcKQxdEVAMu0SiodT3fExs9Dc_csPE8u5OpMoojJILNN9BktBFg57jsQzlCbvGDEb-VYIChyjqcLS9FvcFNpjAJ6E7gfD12HRlFG05bV4yVu-QenwiBPPKzg6C0wOncYisIyiA0YSgkow5qWcD2wyIouiEHrpZr_lEjoSRNWu6b9HktC9fw2JsSuyfJ5Vm2m4u9NBytxOdn7Lyl&d");"></a>
Likewise, Twitter links are blocked. They are all redirected through a t.co link, right? Well, check this file: http://t.co/robots.txt
Google will sometimes not index social signals that are of low quality. You need to use tools like Instant Link Indexer. If don’t work, then the quality of the links is too low.

Hi, how can one categorize a link as low quality? Thanks!
To shock all of you YES facebook links count as a backlink.... If you have not checked your webmaster tools lately you will notice that comment links on facebook post now show up in your back-links profile. However this may not be the best quality links they are similar to forum comment posting a very low level/quality of link building.

If they are showing up in your webmaster tools then they are do follow links and are considered back-links
You can go to google about that matter.Just you share your objects by the facebook.So you must need actual help by the google.He answer your all questions...
Facebook is fine for building brand or generating click-through traffic. But Facebook is not a link building strategy.
The links from Facebook's will not give your website any rank benefits.
This is a complete newbie question.social media shares are not considered as backlinks by Google.However, a link in your bisection may be counted a backlink but again that would be no follow which has no value in terms of SEO.The best part is that social shared may not improve your backlink profile but those social signals are now been considered as ranking factor by Google which should be a good news for you if you are getting real Facebook shares.