Facebook looks weird


New member
Jun 24, 2006
Seems like they are trying to better integrate linked and shared content with its surroundings. Something is up!


Seems like the actual news feed keeps getting skinnier and skinnier, also what the fuck is up with the typography now? Looks odd.
Facebook is the weirdest place I know.

When I think of Zuck up there at his empire, with all his teams of coders and leading edge tech people, I get jelly a bit and then also picture them having geekish neckbeard moments with one another...awkward intense happy innovative breakthrough moments where Zuck shines his aspie love on his underlings and they all smile in unison. That's how I picture it.

When I think of Zuck up there at his empire, with all his teams of coders and leading edge tech people, I get jelly a bit and then also picture them having geekish neckbeard moments with one another...awkward intense happy innovative breakthrough moments where Zuck shines his aspie love on his underlings and they all smile in unison. That's how I picture it

Three of my good friends work there, 2 devs and one Database Optimization engineer.

They definitely have geekish neckbeard moments. They all love that they work there and seem to respect Zuck and a lot of the upper management people.

It appears that the biggest benefit they perceive is that they got to choose what they want to do instead of being hired for a specific purpose. For example one of my friends always worked on Open Source stuff...he now codes stuff for mySQL and Facebook pays him.

...and they all hate Google.