Facebook likes on website or fanpage?


New member
Dec 19, 2011
Obviously they both matter

Im wondering which one should be invested into more as far as SERP and link juice.

And would it be safer to start with smaller numbers such as a few hundred likes rather than a thousand or two thousand.

Let me know you guy's input.


I don't mind sending to fanpage as you can use to remarket later. As long as you get them somewhere its all good.
FanPage man!
You can post all your site details in the fan page for 3 post a day and get backlinks and live traffic at the same time..

Use a dripping "like" service on your website.. easily available on fiverr
If you are offering some service which can generate good leads from social media, get likes from facebook.
Else, you should get it on your website. In either case, do analyse from which source you are getting more conversions.
send it to the fanpage!

I've had a lot of traffic come to my site via fanpage because it was popular enough.