Facebook Launches Splash Login Page Ads


Powered by Redbull
Dec 11, 2007
So this past week (apparently they've had them out for two weeks now but im in Canada so we are behind I guess) I've seen Facebook rolling out new full page splash ads with social engagement, as well as a embedded video on some of them.


Do you think this will have an adverse effect on Facebook's user base or are they rolling this out in a non-intrusive way that will reflect positively for investors given their soon to be IPO launching.

Also does anyone have any idea as to the pricing to get a full page splash ad? Limitations? Any info would be appreciated.

Do you think this will have an adverse effect on Facebook's user base or are they rolling this out in a non-intrusive way that will reflect positively for investors given their soon to be IPO launching.

Facebook's user base is irrelevant because they're not the customer. They are the product. Their opinion matters as much as the opinion of a box of Lucky Charms matters to Wal-Mart.