Facebook Journal - My First Venture Into PPC

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New member
May 7, 2009

I first came to know about affiliate marketing about 2 months ago when I found an affiliate page on an eBook I was checking out. Since then I made attempts in SEO and article marketing with little success (generated about 200 dollars). Over the past few weeks I have been lurking WF trying to absorb all the knowledge I can while dodging dickrolls. I was inspired to start marketing on Facebook.

I have since applied to, and been accepted into a few affiliate networks. Found an offer on an affiliate network that was recommended by my affiliate manager, and underwent the daunting task of getting ads approved by FB. Today I had everything set and ready to go, and launched my first campaign a few hours ago.

Throughout this thread I will document my day-by-day success, failure, and overall stats in hopes of learning how to refine my campaigns to have them preforming at their best and increasing revenue as well as hopefully helping other newbs along the way.

What I have done:

-Created several subdomains on a website that PHP redirect tracking202 links directly to a submit site. I have a specific one for each individual ad to properly track preformance.

-Have two ads running, split testing a slight variation (one word) in the ad copy on Facebook. It is narrowed down to a specific country, age group, and gender based on research.

-Have some ads pending approval with different images for further testing.

What I will be doing:

-Running a submit offer with a payout of ~4.00 with max daily budget of $8.00 a day for testing purposes.

-Split testing 2 ads at a time, finding the weakest and pausing it to fine tune daily.

-Dropping bids based on CTR throughout the campaign.

Questions I have thusfar:

-When should I start lowering my CTR? So far on one I have a .09 CTR with 3000 impressions. Bidding $0.37 currently (right in the middle of the suggested range).

-The other ad I have running has a CTR of .02 with 11,000 impressions. Why are they sending so many more impressions to that one? CTR started off bad on that one as well.

Until next time:

I'll be dropping by daily and posting stats and updates as to my progress. Thanks for taking the time to read and wish me luck.

Hey man this was my idea.

hahah j/k Good Luck to you. Sorry no advice it seems you know more then me. I don't even know what CTR stands for.

I'll Guess Click Tracking Rate.
Close, it means Click Through Rate. Basically that is the percentage of people that see the ad which click the ad.
Hey man this was my idea.

hahah j/k Good Luck to you. Sorry no advice it seems you know more then me. I don't even know what CTR stands for.

I'll Guess Click Tracking Rate.

Haha, yeah kind of ripped it from you. I think documenting it will help me remain focused among other things.

CTR = click through rate
Haha, yeah kind of ripped it from you. I think documenting it will help me remain focused among other things.

CTR = click through rate

Well Good Luck- its definetely keeping me focused. Because without the advice of those on this forum I would be way off what I am suppose to be doing.
Day One Stats:

Ran for about 12 hours (12:00 pm - 12:00 am)

Ad #1
Max Bid: $0.38
Impressions: 3,080
Clicks: 3
CTR: .08
Conversions: $0.00 (0)
Spent: $1.12

Ad #2
Max Bid: $0.38
Impressions: 13,060
Clicks: 3
CTR: .02
Conversions: $0.00 (0)
Spent: $1.13

Seems as though ad #2 is doing considerably worse, however I was wondering why it is receiving so many more impressions. I paused ad #1 for now and tried increasing my daily budget for ad #2 to try for more impressions, we'll see if that makes a difference. I only have ad #1 running for right now because all of my pending ads were denied. I'll make some more within a few hours with different images for split testing.
why are you running so few ads, especially with little variation between them?

I thought it would be best to test them against each other one at a time. I'm pumping a bunch more out today though spanning different age groups with different images and wording to see how it goes. It seems like today Facebook doesn't want to give me any impressions on new ads though.
Submit like 50 ads dude. $8/day ain't gonna get you very far. Plus, facebook is fairly retarded, so if you submit 50 ads, you'll probably get like 10 through, if that.
Submit like 50 ads dude. $8/day ain't gonna get you very far. Plus, facebook is fairly retarded, so if you submit 50 ads, you'll probably get like 10 through, if that.

True, I think I went into the Facebook game with some misconceptions. I have put the campaigns on pause while I focus on a new project with a higher payout that will use SEO/article marketing/PPC to drive in sales. I'm going all out on it and have a major feeling this will be way more profitable.

I'll check back in when I have this rolling and update this thread.
also check out the free voucher stuff for some extra dough; free money helps

I used vouchers to promote CPA offers when I first got my account... was banned in around 2 days - rep unbanned me but still... If you use those vouchers make sure you make it look like you're promoting a local/small business (that's what mine were intended for).. Maybe things have changed but just wanted to give you a heads up so you don't get a rough start.
Is there a magic cpm figure that facebook will let you go down to and still show ads with regularity? I understand the relation between cpc and ctr and Im guessing cpm is a single figure represntation of that.

Does a narrow demographic affect the level they will let cpm go down to or is cpm the magic baseline cash figure for them?
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