Facebook is NOT for kiddies..

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Wicked Ice

Nov 11, 2007
How Facebook addiction is damaging your child's brain: A leading neuroscientist's chilling warning

By Baroness Susan Greenfield

Can you imagine a world without long-term relationships, where people are unable to understand the consequences of their actions or empathise with one another?

Such conditions would not only hamper our happiness and prosperity - they could threaten our very survival.

Yet this imagined existence isn't as far away as it seems. It is a plausible future. For we are developing an ever deeper dependence on websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Second Life - and these technologies can alter the way our minds work.

As a neuroscientist, I am aware of how susceptible our brains are to change - and our environment has changed drastically over the past decade. Most people spend at least two hours each day in front of a computer, and living this way will result in minds very different from those of past generations.

Our brains are changing in unprecedented ways. We know the human brain is exquisitely sensitive to the outside world - this so-called 'plasticity' is famously illustrated by London taxi drivers who need to remember all the streets of the city, and whose part of the brain related to memory is generally bigger than in the rest of us as a result.

Indeed, one of the most exciting concepts in neuroscience is that all experience leaves its mark on your brain.


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But while adults' brains can change, it is children who are most at risk, for their brains are still growing - and may not have yet had a full range of experiences in three dimensions.

Yet 99 per cent of children and young people use the internet, according to an Ofcom study. In 2005, the average time children spent online was 7.1 hours per week. By 2007, it had almost doubled to 13.8 hours. As an expert on the human brain, I am speaking out as I feel we need to protect the young.

Of course, this idea may not be welcomed - when someone first linked smoking and lung cancer, people didn't like that idea; some derided them because they enjoyed smoking. But parallels could well be drawn with this, and I believe similar precautionary thinking should be set in train, as in turn was needed for sunbathing and carbon emissions.

We must take this issue of computers seriously because what could be more important than the brains of the next generation?

Three areas of computing are likely to have the most marked effect - social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, imagined online societies such as Second Life, and computer games.

Facebook turned five years old in February. Arguably, it marks a milestone and a highly significant change in our culture - millions of individuals worldwide are signing up for friendship through a screen.

Half of young people aged eight to 17 have their own profile on a social networking site. But two basic, brain-based questions still need to be addressed. First, why are social networking sites growing? Secondly, what features of the young mind, if any, are threatened by them?

In modern life, the appeal of social networking sites to children is easy to understand. As many parents now consider playing outside too dangerous, a child confined to the home can find at the keyboard the kind of freedom of interaction that earlier generations took for granted in the three-dimensional world of the street.

Though to many children screen life is even more appealing. Philip Hodson, a fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, suggests that: 'Building a Facebook profile is one way that individuals can identify themselves, making them feel important and accepted.'

Social networking sites satisfy that basic human need to belong, as well as the ability to experience instant feedback and recognition from someone, somewhere, 24 hours a day.

At the same time, this constant reassurance is coupled with a distancing from the stress of face-to-face, real-life conversation.

Real-life chatting is, after all, far more perilous than in the cyber world as it occurs in real time, with no opportunity to think up clever responses, and it requires a sensitivity to voice tone, body language and even to physical chemicals such as pheromones.

None of these skills is required when chatting on a networking site. In fact, one user told me: 'You become less conscious of the individuals involved (including yourself), less inhibited, less embarrassed and less concerned about how you will be evaluated.'

In other words, Facebook does not require the subtleties of social skill we need in the real world. Not only will this impair individuals' ability to communicate - and build relationships - it could completely change how conversation happens.

Maybe real conversation will give way to sanitised screen dialogues, in much the same way as killing, skinning and butchering an animal to eat has been replaced by the convenience of packages of meat on the supermarket shelf.

Perhaps future generations will recoil with similar horror at the messiness, unpredictability and personal involvement of real-time interaction.

Other aspects of brain development may also be in line for a makeover. One is attention span. If the young brain is exposed to a world of action and reaction, of instant screen images, such rapid interchange-might accustom the brain to operate over such timescales.

It might be helpful to investigate whether the near total submersion of our culture in screen technologies over the past decade might in some way be linked to the threefold increase over this period in prescriptions for Methylphenidate, the drug prescribed for ADHD.

A second difference in the young 21st-century mind might be a marked preference for the here-and-now, where the immediacy of an experience trumps any regard for the consequences. After all, when you play a computer game, everything you do is reversible. You can switch it off or start again. But the idea that actions don't have consequences is a very bad lesson to learn, when in life they always do.

And in games the emphasis is on the thrill of the moment. This type of activity can be compared with the thrill of compulsive gambling.

The third possible change is in empathy. This cannot develop through social networking because we are not aware of how other people are really feeling - we cannot pick up on body language when we are communicating through a screen.

As a result, people could become almost autistic. One teacher wrote to me that she had witnessed a change over the 30 years she had been teaching in the ability of her pupils to understand other people and their emotions.

She pointed out that previously, reading novels had been a good way of learning about how others feel and think.

We should therefore not be surprised that those within the autism spectrum are comfortable in the cyber world. We do not know whether the current increase in autism is simply due to improved diagnosis of autism, but we must consider whether it can be linked to an increase among people of spending time in screen relationships.

Finally, there is a fourth issue at stake: identity. One 16-year- old summed it up as follows: 'Facebook makes you think about yourself differently when all your private thoughts and feelings can be posted on the internet for all to see. Are we perhaps losing a sense of where we ourselves finish and the outside world begins?'

Perhaps the next generation will define themselves by the responses of others; hence the baffling preoccupation with Twitter, where users post an almost moment-by-moment, flood-of-consciousness account of their thoughts and activities, however banal.

It would be easy to test for physiological proof of the impact of computer games - for example, to see in scans if the frontal area is less active in players. This is the most sophisticated part of the brain which develops latest, so it is less active in children and becomes maximally operational only in our 20s.

Though its functions are many and far from clear, it seems an important feature in humans, whose frontal area is far larger than chimpanzees.

My view is that it works in conjunction with the rest of the brain to enable you to escape from the immediate moment.

People with an underactive pre-frontal cortex (hypofrontal), perhaps because of brain damage, are reckless, easily distracted and have short attention spans.

I am not against computers per se. I use them and appreciate the benefits the internet has brought. Ultimately, I believe that much like traditional sources of instant gratification - sex, drugs, drink - social networking sites tap into the basic brain systems for delivering pleasurable experience.

But these experiences are devoid of long-term significance. I find it incredibly sad that people choose to spend their time and money sitting alone playing games with no consequence and no meaning.

But beyond any frustration I feel is concern about the future our screen culture might create. One extreme situation could be a rise in psychiatric problems and fewer babies born because people can't form three-dimensional relationships.

By the middle of this century, our minds might have become infantilised - characterised by short attention spans, an inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity.

One effect, the fragmentation of our culture, is already occurring: the violent videos posted on YouTube.

Steps must be taken to stop this - to safeguard the mindset of the next generation so that they may realise their potential as adults.

We cannot turn back the clock, but the threat is growing because technology is becoming more seductive and powerful. We must start facing up not only to the impact that computers are having on ourselves and our children - but also to the wider implications their use will have for our society in the future.

● Baroness Susan Greenfield was key guest speaker at the Women of the Year lecture at the Royal Institute of Great Britain. Visit Women of The Year Lunch and Assembly

How Facebook addiction is damaging your child's brain: A leading neuroscientist's chilling warning | Mail Online
Maybe next time just a link to the article? Anyways a real summerization. Basically the author is hating on the internet, claiming we are to addicted to bebo, twitter, myspace etc etc. And hell we are addicted to that stuff. The author is telling us to start reading books and take steps to stop this.

MY opinion. WTF is she talking about? Telling us to not use myspace, not use youtube, not to facebook and not use porn sites cause we are to addicted. We know that it is almost next to impossible to stop it so whats the point?
it's probably much better for kids to use a computer than to watch TV... at least with the computer they have a chance to be interactive and engage their brain rather than sit there like a vacant log and be subjected to mass media garbage all day...

as far as ADHD being caused by computer use... one of my close friends was diagnosed with ADHD growing up and he didn't even have a computer... also the 'threefold increase over this period in prescriptions for Methylphenidate' is probably due more to the fact that parents these days are more willing to medicate their kids than past generations... while I think a lot of kids are over-medicated today, in my parent's generation they tended to ignore kids with problems or pretend there wasn't anything wrong with them rather than seek treatment...
i stopped taking it seriously at "as a neuroscientist, i..."

this is self serving bullshit in an attempt to gain herself some credibility and to get her page rank up when sociology grad students have run out of things to cite. the dangers of the big scary world have always been present. whether it be "i know your mom, get in the van" or kids being "seduced" on the internet. it just manifests itself in different forms. nothing new.
i think the lady needs to get laid. or pull the stick out of her ass. ill volunteer for one or both jobs if need be.
Are you REALLY that desperate? Take a look at how she looks like!


i think the lady needs to get laid. or pull the stick out of her ass. ill volunteer for one or both jobs if need be.
Someone put a dick in this bitch's mouth. Seriously, go back to the kitchen.

This bitch's article is a fine example of ivory tower, academic studies that has NO real reflection on reality. Get off the college campus and contribute something useful to the world.
Real-life chatting is, after all, far more perilous than in the cyber world as it occurs in real time, with no opportunity to think up clever responses, and it requires a sensitivity to voice tone, body language and even to physical chemicals such as pheromones.

er... uh... as if!
I'm way ahead of this bitch. You guys just wait, my paper about how the telly-phone is destroying our society will change the world.
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