Facebook is 5 years old and...

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But the 23 year old CEO is a billionaire. If I were him, I would be long gone. There is nothing left for him to accomplish when compared to the climb from nothing to social media benchmark.

Take your money. Buy a yacht. Start a non-profit. Chill out. Start a new business. DO SOMETHING!

Perhaps easier said than done when you're entrenched in "your baby" but man... dude is 23, has billions of dollars and is now dealing with day to day operational type bull shit. To me, that's not the fun part of being an entrepreneur its getting the site to where he has gotten it.

Oh well

Ya even Myspace had growing pains Fox was disappointed with Myspace Revenue in 2007 so they came up with Self-Adserver. With Facebooks small ads and hugh advertising restrictions it will be very hard for them to become profitable. Why do you think they were at affiliate summit. They need "US" especially in a trouble economy when brand owners and mom and pop businesses are cutting cost. Also he is nothing but a paper billionaire until he cashes out he is worth squat
But the 23 year old CEO is a billionaire. If I were him, I would be long gone. There is nothing left for him to accomplish when compared to the climb from nothing to social media benchmark.

Take your money. Buy a yacht. Start a non-profit. Chill out. Start a new business. DO SOMETHING!

Perhaps easier said than done when you're entrenched in "your baby" but man... dude is 23, has billions of dollars and is now dealing with day to day operational type bull shit. To me, that's not the fun part of being an entrepreneur its getting the site to where he has gotten it.

Oh well


The thing is when you accomplish something as great as what Facebook has become you don't want to just leave and watch others fuck it up. Real entrepreneurs never really stop working, I could make billions and still want to work because I enjoy it. It's not always just about making a few million and retiring.
The thing is when you accomplish something as great as what Facebook has become you don't want to just leave and watch others fuck it up. Real entrepreneurs never really stop working, I could make billions and still want to work because I enjoy it. It's not always just about making a few million and retiring.

Yeah I'm the same way.

Some people may consider this a bad thing, but work is also my hobby. I enjoy working. I have always loved the Internet and no matter how much money I make, I'm going to wake up everyday and continue to work;)

Also Facebook is pretty profitable for me...
Facebook had this shit coming all along. Myspace's business model (although not perfect) seems to have always done much better. Ironically, it seems like Facebook is trying to follow in their footsteps now. They are quickly realizing that building that perfect user experience oriented community with heavily moderated advertising is much easier said than done.

With social networks you almost need to take whatever advertising money is thrown your way... to turn a profit, at least. Zuckerbergs a respectable guy though for giving this a shot and like you guys said, he's just working on "his baby" trying to make it work.
FB used to be sweet traffic till a couple of days ago.. now all the bottom feeders are there and the price of traffic has gone way up..
Ah well it's profitable enough for me.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Even though I barely touch it anymore.

But the 23 year old CEO is a billionaire. If I were him, I would be long gone. There is nothing left for him to accomplish when compared to the climb from nothing to social media benchmark.

Take your money. Buy a yacht. Start a non-profit. Chill out. Start a new business. DO SOMETHING!

Perhaps easier said than done when you're entrenched in "your baby" but man... dude is 23, has billions of dollars and is now dealing with day to day operational type bull shit. To me, that's not the fun part of being an entrepreneur its getting the site to where he has gotten it.

Oh well


I think the guy probably enjoys it and his ego probably gets in the way too.

If this with the lack of profit keeps up, they are going to start looking like a real good buying opportunity, not that they couldn't sell it now if they wanted to.
i've been a member of facebook for all 5 years of their existence....its been a great tool over the years and now that im making bank from them....i love them even more now.
FB used to be sweet traffic till a couple of days ago.. now all the bottom feeders are there and the price of traffic has gone way up..

This. I mean some people are happy with 10-20% profit but it used to be so much better :(
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