Facebook iFrame cross-browser Cookies


...a lot to learn
Mar 16, 2008

I've got an affiliate offer on a landing page and I've now put the URL from the landing page into an iFrame on a tab on my Facebook page. (I used https://www.facebook.com/iframe.apps to do this) It looks good and I can interact in the iframe exactly as I would on the landing page, but I don't think the cookies are being retained.

Can anyone tell me how to code it so that the cookies are definitely retained?

I'm not an experienced coder but I can understand the basics.

Also, is there a way to tell if they are being retained without actually completing the offer?

I know safari had problems with facebook canvas applications wherein it refused to recognize third party cookies. In this case, apps.facebook.com is accessed/parsed by your browser and the iframe rendered within it becomes a third party cookie.

Are you using any of the facebook's SDK for parsing data from the user accessing your app, or is it just the advertisers LP directly plugged into the iframe?

It is really hard to pinpoint this without getting a view of the actual app.
I just plugged the landing page URL directly into the iframe using that app. I'm going to look at the Facebook SDK.