Facebook Clicks

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New member
Sep 26, 2007
Does anyone know how Facebook tracks clicks? Does Facebook track all the clicks or just Unique clicks? Do they do anything to prevent click fraud? Sorry of thats a stupid questions, I'm still a noob and trying to understand how it all works. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

I'm looking for that same answer because Facebook clicks are not matching up with my analytics. I'm seeing Facebook clicks about 20% to 25% higher than they probably should be. No idea if double clicks or something else is going on but I sent a question off to facebook support a few days ago, no response yet.
darling nickycakes said this:
get the idea. You will notice the # of clicks is about 1k more in the affiliate stats side. This seems to be from people double clicking the ads like most idiots who don’t know how to use the internet do. Luckily facebook doesn’t charge if the same user clicks an ad twice.

IOW: I think yer seeing the doofus factor but facebook isn't charging you twice.
For today, at right this moment, my stats add up perfectly and I've never seen a difference of more than a few clicks.
For today, at right this moment, my stats add up perfectly and I've never seen a difference of more than a few clicks.
Same here, the difference isn't anything out of the ordinary from stats on other network campaigns.
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