Facebook clicks not showing up in linkshare

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New member
Dec 21, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm obviously new to this and i've done a bit of reading and research on advertising etc.

Over the weekend i signed up with linkshare, got myself approval to advertise for a few different advertisers and proceeded to facebook where I have created, and had approved a handful of different ads.

Since then I've generated clicks and at this stage nothing has showed up in my linkshare stats. (neither clicks nor conversions).

I've emailed linkshare for support on this, but at this stage I haven't gotten a reply from them, So i thought i'd post here just asking if anyone can shed some light. I've obviously made a basic mistake, and can't figure out what the problem is.

I have used the link which was generated for me, which referrers the clicker to the advertisers site. The link does work, as I have tested this but still, I have no stats.

Any Ideas ?

linkshare tracking is the fucking worst. People think CJ is bad. Linkshare only updates stats once a day. Pretty much anything that happens today, Clicks, Sales etc.. You won't see until tomorrow.

If you need to watch your campaign carefully, They probably aren't a good choice.
linkshare tracking is the fucking worst. People think CJ is bad. Linkshare only updates stats once a day. Pretty much anything that happens today, Clicks, Sales etc.. You won't see until tomorrow.

If you need to watch your campaign carefully, They probably aren't a good choice.

Well, I've set the ads up on Friday, It's now 2am Monday morning - still nothing showing.. So even if the stats are displayed late, I'm still not convinced the links worked..
Did you include their tracking pixel in your link?

<a href="http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=0000000&offerid=141510.10000028&type=3&subid=0" >link anchor</a>[COLOR=Yellow]<IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src="http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=00000000&bids=141510.10000028&type=3&subid=0" >[/COLOR]

If you remove the part in yellow and only use the link, It will work but impressions and clicks won't be recorded
Did you include their tracking pixel in your link?

<a href="http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=0000000&offerid=141510.10000028&type=3&subid=0" >link anchor</a>[COLOR=Yellow]<IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src="http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=00000000&bids=141510.10000028&type=3&subid=0" >[/COLOR]
If you remove the part in yellow and only use the link, It will work but impressions and clicks won't be recorded

And this will work on facebook, for example?

When creating a facebook ad, You don't specify html code, you just specify the link. Is there any way of using this in facebook?
I don't use Facebook so someone else would need to answer that. Maybe you can use a redirect or something. I don't really know how FB works.
The more I think about it, I would think clicks should still be recorded since, even though the tracking pixel isn't there, you're still using their re-direct link.

Maybe there is something wrong with your link.
The more I think about it, I would think clicks should still be recorded since, even though the tracking pixel isn't there, you're still using their re-direct link.

Maybe there is something wrong with your link.

Well I can only think it may be because of the tracking pixel, as the link is copy & pasted..

I can't seem to find anything via google in relation to using linkshare links on facebook..
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