Facebook + Bing

It's not challenging anything. All they are doing is using Facebook's API to already do what's been possible for awhile on other services. They just happened to publicize it and integrate it into their search to offer a little twist to what Google's been doing.

Bing has a higher female base than Google does, so maybe it'll take off with them. I personally hate Hotmail and live accounts, so I won't be using it.
You don't have to login to live, it has facebook's instant personalization.
Ah, must have skipped over that. But you do have to be logged into Facebook, which means it doesn't appear for everyone.

Granted, a lot of people will have Facebook open in another tab or have cookies enabled to stop them having to login each time they open their browser, so I guess that'd work.
I think certain types of social search will be big in the future. I dont think msft/fb are going about it the best way.