Facebook approval question


New member
Jun 24, 2009
This is my first time getting into facebook. So i submitted many different ads with different offers/headlines, etc. I just had them direct linking to the offer using my affiliate link (no tracking).

When i got an small idea as to what facebook accepted, i took that approved ads and replaced those direct affiliate links with my tracking202 links.

But when i resubmitted, the disapproved them! Do they not allow any tracking software? I'm at a loss, i didn't change ANYTHING on the ad itself...

They don't give a shit about tracking software, you just got a dumbass reviewer. All you can do is submit it again until it gets through.
what was the reason they gave for the disapproval?

Advertisements for Subscription Services must comply with the conditions described in section 9 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines and as determined by Facebook in its sole discretion. "Subscription Services" may include sites that promote downloading ringtones, wallpaper, or text messages for predictions, love life advice, news, personality quizzes, or other entertainment services, or any site that induces a user to sign up for recurring billing of a product or service.

Keep in mind that this ad was approved like 2 hours before hand.
just keep submitting man... you'll prolly get several different disapproved reasons for the same ad and some won't make any sense.. the interns just like to push the red button..
They disapprove all of my prosper links and decide to disable my accounts while they're at it. :ugh:

Yeah, unsure as to why they'd disapprove my ads with prosper links don't recall ever using the domain I'm using ever on facebook so I have no idea. But once I switched from direct linking the offers link to my prosper link they've disabled 2 accounts.
When submitting ads for review I always take them directly to the offer with a php redirect, and after the ads get approved I change the redirect to my p202 link. It's very simple to setup and I never had any problem with this.

Looking at the reason your ad was disapproved I suppose you are promoting mobile offers. Be sure you are showing them a compilant LP. (check box, membership price, and a working terms of service link).
When submitting ads for review I always take them directly to the offer with a php redirect, and after the ads get approved I change the redirect to my p202 link. It's very simple to setup and I never had any problem with this.

Looking at the reason your ad was disapproved I suppose you are promoting mobile offers. Be sure you are showing them a compilant LP. (check box, membership price, and a working terms of service link).

Then that is what i'll do. Much easier way of doing things also. Thanks