Facebook Ads?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I've been running my own offer, runing my own advertising via Google Adwords, and running my own damn call center to convert our leads for the past 3 years..

I make more then I've ever made in my life(Nothing compared to most affilates), but I didn't get into online marketing to run a call center..

I want to find affiliates that can teach and show me how they are using facebook ads to make money.

I know nobody is going to just hand me this information, and I don't expect that.

I also don't think that the kind of people I'm looking for can be bought, so instead I'm suggesting using me as an asset.

What do I mean?

You show me what I need to do and how to do it to start making money using facebook ads and in return I will give you a % of the profits for a certain length of time.

What I bring with me:
-Money to spend on ads($3,000-$4,000/Month to start.. Hopefully we start profitting sooner than later and I will reinvest all of my profit into more ads.)
-Adwords experience(I've spent $700,000+ on adwords)
-A little FB ads experience(Only spend around $500 testing things)
-I make landing pages
-I make websites
-I have a virtual server and a few other hosting plans
-I'm 100% committed to internet marketing(Honestly, I think of it like a game and I enjoy it more then most things.)
-Have my own call center but would preferably do something that doesn't involve us using that.

I'm focusing on creating a stronger, smarter circle of friends and hope to find people focusing on the same


1. Look at what's being run on Facebook
2. Copy & use it as your benchmark
3. Create your own version. have them battle out. your version vs. copied version.
4. tweak till profit.
If you dont find someone to help you out

Join socialadninja
See what ads are doing well in your niche.
Copy and modify them according to your needs.
I have experienced the same problem, then switched to using an advertising account rental service with a 24-hour warranty policy. You can refer to it. Via telegram: @pphuong0101
Facebook Ad Account Rental Service

• Spend < $1,000 → Fee 6.5%
• Spend < $2,000 → Fee 6%
• Spend < $3,000 → Fee 5.5%
• Spend < $5,000 → Fee 5%
• Spend $5,000 - $24,999 → Fee 4.5%
• Spend $25,000 - $49,999 → Fee 4%
• Spend $50,000 - $99,999 → Fee 3.5%
• Spend $100,000+ → Fee 3%

✅ If your budget is stable and consistent, we can offer a fixed fee for easier tracking and reconciliation.
✅ 0% fee for the first 3 days of testing.

Telegram: @pphuong0101