Facebook Ads suggested bid price

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New member
Jul 14, 2007
When creating a facebook ad campaign, cpc model, initially facebook suggests a bidprice..

for example:

Facebook Bid Price Suggestion: 0.64-0.85

How accurate is this when you are adjusting your bids ? For example... Facebook says $1... you use $0.70 and that ends up being profitable..

And how does Facebook determine which ads are shown? Does it relay solely on bid price?

Has to do with CTR. Don't listen to the facebook suggestion just bid to where your ads are shown. Then when you have a high CTR lower the bid to where you still get clicks. If you can get a CTR higher than .15% or higher you can get 10 cent bids (atleast from my exp). If you don't get any clicks in the intial 5,000 or so impressions change your ad or keywords. CTR is king in facebook PPC
I suggest starting all bids somewhere between 31 to 35cents. Facebook will show your ads at this price and if you manage to get an ok ctr (above .1) they will continue to give you impressions. If your CTR sucks and they stop giving you impressions you need to make a new ad anyway.

Stick to the guideline above unless you think you can convert the offer with a high EPC.
I usually always start mine at .30 and then go from there.

The idea is that the better ctr you have the more clicks you get in a certain number of impressions (ex. 5 clicks in 100 impressions is more money spent than 1 click in 100 impressions). Thus facebook makes more money for a given amount of impressions. In other words, if someone has a bad ctr facebook would rather show a different ad that has a higher ctr so they can make more money.

At least that's how I understand it.
started my first campaign..

30,536 impressions

25 clicks

0.08% ctr

$2.33 spent (avg 0.09)

dunno of conversions yet but... im surprised how retarded some of them are... 50% of the ones that clicked already had the product -_-
Damn, 9 cent clicks at first? That's really good if you can keep it like that. Unfortunately, in most situations the ctr drops after the first batch of clicks.

edit: Actually, that's pretty standard if you're targetting with keywords, but really good if you're just winging it like most do on FB.
OK, it could have been because I was advertising certain nightclubs specifically to 18-23 male/female demographic in Australian cities, but I was getting CTR just above 2% when I last ran a Facebook campaign about a year ago (before I got sick of people always inviting me to MobWars and littlegreenpatches and just fucking closed my account)

Anyway I started my campaign bids at the higher end of their suggestion ($0.85 I think), and scaled it back every 3-4 hours by $0.05 - $0.10, all the way down to $0.05.
It was cheaper than getting fliers printed in B&W!
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