Facebook Ads says: Fuck you, you cannot do that!


New member
Jun 24, 2006

So, it's quite unbelievable how a company of that stature and size, with so many talented people and so much money cannot make a fucking advertising system properly. It just blows my mind. And this is something where they should kill everyone as its their main money maker.

Case #1.
If you boost an event or a post, and you fuck up something with an image (for instance, you post an image that contains an image embedded text covering more than 20%), they just reject your boost and disable it, and give you an explanation about what caused it.

Then you try to exchange an image, thinking now maybe it will be all right and you can go back and re-engage the boost, but nooooooo.
Facebook says: fuck you, you cannot boost this event or post, ever again.

You can create another one. But what if you worked on that event for half an hour, invited people and shit, and then decided to boost it. Facebook says fuck you, you cannot do it (saying to paying clients that something is illogically impossible is usually disastrous for the company).

And it's not even clear to me why would be disallowed.

Case #2.
You decide to create a separate ad in the advertising page, to promote your event. So you create an ad from scratch, set budgets, scheduled times etc, and wait for approval from review team.
So they approve an ad after 45 mins, and you are happy that ad will finally run, but it gets the status SCHEDULED right away.
You check the time, and the schedule time seem ok (there is no setting to let it run FROM THIS MOMENT).
So, you close tab in frustration, and go do other stuff. 2 hours later, you come back to that same tab, and the status is still SCHEDULED. When you try to change the scheduled start time, it DOESN'T let you set it to a previous day, to Feb 4th, so that it would start right away, and it limits you to only Feb 5th.
Another "fuck you, you cannot do that".
Ok, so I figure, since I didn't really use this facebook ad system much, maybe I should go and check settings for timezone for the account....

Case #3
I get to the settings and see the time zone is not the one I'm in. Oh fuck, ok, np, will change that and things should start clicking.
Well, another "FUCK YOU, YOU CANNOT DO THAT" from Facebook.

This is what happens when you click on "change timezone"

When you choose a new currency and time zone, you'll create a new ad account. Your old ad account will be visible, but closed. All ads created with your old account will stop running.
Hey Facebook, I don't want a brand new account, with all the history of the current one gone, I just want to CHANGE THE TIMEZONE!!

Arghhhh! :(

That is all.


Yo bro, how much you want your account. I'll take it off your hands :conehead:
Just change the schedule of the ad to match your currently set timezone +1 minute.
i wrote them twice i think they responded fairly quick and it was a bug similar to yours i think.
other than that, you can try to "create similar ad" and upload it, plus in the rejection email there is a link where you can pre upload the image and see if it goes through
ps 20% is not really 20%
even 5% could be 100 % if you scatter a letter in every square (you'll see)

time zone:
it's the time zone on your laptop that counts for the scheduled time and insights, never the one you set the page to.
well, I tried that, but that wasn't possible. Look at case #2. Facebook didn't let me chose Feb 4th (greyed out), therefor I couldn't match the current "facebook ads" time +1 minute

I wrote them as well the minute all those options didn't work, and I got some canned answer that meant nothing at all, no solution at all (you know those canned responses)

In this case, create similar ad is not working since you can create boosted post ad only once (apparently) for the event itself. I could create another post and embed events link in there, but that's not the point here, and the purpose of the boost for the actual event would be missed.

Re: timezone
This is not true. It's the time set in the facebook ads settings page.
I wrote them as well the minute all those options didn't work, and I got some canned answer that meant nothing at all, no solution at all (you know those canned responses)

In this case, create similar ad is not working since you can create boosted post ad only once (apparently) for the event itself. I could create another post and embed events link in there, but that's not the point here, and the purpose of the boost for the actual event would be missed.

Re: timezone
This is not true. It's the time set in the facebook ads settings page.
i'm not going to argue here, but i try one more time to help since i know this by heart.
go to your ads manager.
then create new ad.
promote post.
choose page you want to promote post from
choose post.
boost post is to waste money.

when you create an ad, in the insights manager and the schedule post option you'll read that the time you choose or that is displayed is not your pages timezone
well, I tried that, but that wasn't possible. Look at case #2. Facebook didn't let me chose Feb 4th (greyed out), therefor I couldn't match the current "facebook ads" time +1 minute.

Trial and error to find the time they "think" it is. It works I promise.
i'm not going to argue here, but i try one more time to help since i know this by heart.
go to your ads manager.
then create new ad.
promote post.
choose page you want to promote post from
choose post.
boost post is to waste money.

when you create an ad, in the insights manager and the schedule post option you'll read that the time you choose or that is displayed is not your pages timezone

I wasn't talking about post promotion, but an event boost. If it was just a post, I would just create another post, embed shit in it, and promote it. But its an event page. I explained it in the OP.

It is the pages timezone, not your own. (maybe your timezone matches their own timezone by default). I don't live in GMT -8 timezone.
Trial and error to find the time they "think" it is. It works I promise.

I guess it was because of the following thing.

Facebook ads were on set to be on a certain timezone and I'm my computer is on a different one. And it was a split between two dates, meaning, I created and tried to change an ad when it was Feb 5th in my area, but it was still Feb 4th in the Facebook ads settings timezone.

So, facebook read my local time and used it for calendar, but it set the campaign to go according to their timezone. So, I couldn't go back in time (why the hell not) locally. Just let me do whatever the fuck I want in order to spend money with you.

Anyway, the whole UI is retarded and should be much better, considering its their bread and butter.