Facebook Ads - No List Building?


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Sorry if this question has been asked before but I've searched and can't find an answer to it...

I want to use FB to build a list, but I just read through the Facebook ads guidelines and it says I can't give away cool shit in exchange for an email address.

# Incentives

1. Adverts cannot offer incentives to viewers for clicking on the advert, for submitting Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, date of birth, phone number, national insurance number, physical addresses or email addresses) or for performing any other tasks.

Has anyone managed to get past this rule?



''to viewers for clicking on the advert''. Exmp.: Receive a Free ebook after clicking on this ad.

Next time, don't post those kind of questions here. Search like everyone else.
Just ask really nicely and politely if they will signup to your list. "Can you please give me your email so I can send you my plethora of money making ebooks" always does the trick for high conversions while remaining compliant.
Its a crapshoot with FB. We used to be able to run e-mail submits but they are pretty strict now. However, you can still get stuff by the reviewers if it isnt too obvious. Or just switch it after they approve it.
Yep, I still don't get what they found wrong with legitimate client (non-browser) based mmorpg download games...it's not your adware toolbars or so, pretty dumb move of them.
''to viewers for clicking on the advert''. Exmp.: Receive a Free ebook after clicking on this ad.

Next time, don't post those kind of questions here. Search like everyone else.

1. Adverts cannot offer incentives to viewers for clicking on the advert, for submitting Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, date of birth, phone number, national insurance number, physical addresses or email addresses) or for performing any other tasks.

Read the question next time.
Im not into PPC (Adwords or otherwise) - But what does their rule actually mean?

Does it mean that:

1. As Reggid understood it: You not allowed to have some kind of incentive in the ad to make them click it..or
2. The way i think i understand it: The people are not allowed to be directed to a page where they are asked for personal details..

Because if its a case of number 2 above, then that sucks balls!! It would make FB ad marketing so much more difficult! Especially for CPA offers!
I'm thinking of putting up a lander to get it approved then switching it with my squeeze page but I'm just looking for some advice before doing this.

I want to avoid it because the more hoops I make the user jump through the lower my conversions will be.
I'm thinking of putting up a lander to get it approved then switching it with my squeeze page but I'm just looking for some advice before doing this.

I want to avoid it because the more hoops I make the user jump through the lower my conversions will be.

GTFO :action-smiley-052: