Facebook Ads Keywords Research Tool

I think it looks sweet. I wonder how they get 'related' keywords.

Doesn't facebook give you a few related keywords? For example if you type in "Lil Wayne" it will show up with like "Dr. Dre" and stuff like that under neath it. What I wonder is if they are using the API or just scraping the site.
Doesn't facebook give you a few related keywords? For example if you type in "Lil Wayne" it will show up with like "Dr. Dre" and stuff like that under neath it. What I wonder is if they are using the API or just scraping the site.
No, it actually works differently. Say you type in "Lil Wayne" that would give you options that start with 'Lil Wayne' like 'Lil Wayne songs'. Thats pretty much the only thing that is useful about this tool. But thats big though, so Im considering to sign up.