Facebook AD trouble...


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Sunny South Florida
Dear WickedFire,

I have recently begun doing a lot of advertising on Facebook.

These bastards can suck my cock. I have submitted 55 ADs in 2 days. How many got accepted? 2....

They even denied ADs I had paused, ADs they already accepted....

Can anyone please give me some guidelines to follow to try and get these ass lickers to accept my flippin' ADs?

Maybe like:

1. No direct linking
2. No affiliate links of any kind?!


I'm guessing dating? Answer is...keep trying. As long as they're not absolutely absurd with cleavage, they'll get in eventually.
Yep. From what I know the trick to facebook ads is try, try again. Here a VA or data entry guy to sit there all day long and submit variations for you across a few accounts.
wish i could help but, i gave up a long time ago.. maybe ill get some courage up to try again in the next couple of weeks.. most likely only to be disappointed.

i have some killer dating campaigns set up that i know would make bank if i could port them over to fb, but even a picture of an obviously 18+ woman linked direct to a very non adult dating site is rejected 99/100 times (and thats being generous)
@XRM: Thanks, maybe I'll have to do something like that...ridiculous.
@swiftclick: Yeah, it is absolutely disappointing and frustrating.

Last night I resubmitted some ADs that were disapproved earlier in the day, they accepted them and instantly got 16,000+ reach and got 18 clicks. Tracker + Affiliate Network "back office" didn't log ANY of the 18 clicks, what a bunch of bullshit. Facebook....

So now is the real question, where do I advertise that is dependable and NOT Facebook or AdWords?
I've been doing education and gaming on Facebook. I've never had a submission declined, but I'm probably cutting my own profitability because of it.